Monday, December 30, 2013

Don't Fearfulness Speaking Up

Sometimes Christians are hesitant to answer questions close culturally approved sins similar  Don't Fear Speaking Up

Sometimes Christians are hesitant to answer questions close culturally approved sins similar premarital sex, homosexuality, or transgenderism.

Recently, a Christian vocalizer was asked if she idea homosexuality was a sin, as well as she said, "I don't know. I’m non God."

It’s truthful that God lonely determines correct as well as wrong, but He has given us His Word as well as His Spirit as well as hence nosotros may know as well as empathize His ways, commands, as well as purposes (2 Timothy 3:16-17). 

If nosotros beloved people, we'll part God's Word amongst them.

And Scripture speaks only equally clearly close premarital sex, homosexuality, as well as transgenderism equally it does close murder, lying, as well as cheating.(1)  

If nosotros don't know what God's Word says close these sins, nosotros demand to notice out (2 Timothy 2:15). 

If nosotros know what His Word says, nosotros must graciously verbalize His truth inwards love, knowing that about volition decline us (Ephesians 5:11; Romans 1:16).

If nosotros select to buy the farm along silent, nosotros grieve the pump of God (Mark 8:38).

(1) See God's View of Homosexuality and False Teachings About Sodom as well as Gomorrah.
To reinforce the truths inwards this devotion:
3 Lame Excuses for Not Judging 
Should We Speak upwards for God's Truth?
Are You a Gospelphobe?

Sometimes Christians are hesitant to answer questions close culturally approved sins similar  Don't Fear Speaking Up

Bible Love Notes