Wednesday, December 11, 2013

The Deadly Path Of Compromise

God says a picayune compromise ever results inwards greater compromise The Deadly Path of Compromise

Christians are called to purity, honesty, together with godliness. We must avoid the deadly path of compromise:

  • The mortal who gives inwards to sexual sin inwards a minor expanse unremarkably gets involved inwards greater sexual sin.
  • The human being of affairs who drops his standards inwards a minor expanse finds it easier to lower his standards inwards all areas.
  • The mortal who accepts “slight” nudity together with violence inwards their amusement oftentimes ends upwards justifying blatantly evil shows.

When nosotros assume nosotros won’t last affected yesteryear slight compromises, nosotros examine our ignorance of human nature together with Scripture.

Luke 16:10 sets us straight: “Whoever tin last trusted alongside real picayune tin too last trusted alongside much, together with whoever is dishonest alongside real picayune volition too last dishonest alongside much.”

“Therefore allow the 1 who thinks he stands theatre [immune to temptation, existence overconfident together with self-righteous], convey help that he does non autumn [into sin together with condemnation].” 1 Corinthians 10:12 

Are yous existence careful? Is in that place an expanse where yous involve to come upwards clean?
Regarding sexual compromise: 2 Steps to Sexual Sin 
Regarding honesty/integrity: The Little Boy Who Cried Wolf
Regarding the influence of bad entertainment: Haunted yesteryear What I've Seen together with Heard

God says a picayune compromise ever results inwards greater compromise The Deadly Path of Compromise

Bible Love Notes