Thursday, December 19, 2013

From Hurting To Praise

 nosotros tin accept our cues from the psalmist Asaph who knew how to movement from hurting to praise From Pain to Praise

I woke upward at iv a.m. in addition to deplorable thoughts filled my mind.

“Why, Lord?” I asked for the thousandth time. I wasn’t angry, merely confused.

Why did these loved ones brand choices that wound us in addition to wound themselves? Why did things larn from bad to worse? Why couldn’t they run across that denying biblical principles is a mistake? Why couldn’t nosotros get got sugariness society amongst them equally nosotros in 1 lawsuit had?

Then I remembered a God-lover who asked like questions 1000 years ago. 

In Psalm 73, Asaph was confused yesteryear people who seemed to alive happily despite their ungodly choices. In Psalm 77, he cried out inwards the black in addition to was deeply troubled when he idea of quondam times.

But when Asaph was troubled, feeling rejected in addition to forgotten yesteryear God, he ever stopped himself in addition to changed his perspective. He began pondering God’s faithfulness, His ever-present comfort, in addition to His yesteryear miracles for His people.(1) 

From hurting to praise, he permit God’s faithful grapheme restore his broken spirit. 

Asaph couldn't alter his circumstances, in addition to therefore he changed his perspective. We tin create the same!
(1) 2 Corinthians 1:3-5 expresses God's mightiness to comfort us inwards our sorrows. 

 nosotros tin accept our cues from the psalmist Asaph who knew how to movement from hurting to praise From Pain to Praise

Bible Love Notes