Saturday, December 21, 2013

10 Facts Close Imitation Teachers

s warnings in addition to hence nosotros tin avoid fake instruction ten Facts About False Teachers

Scripture gives us some of import information virtually fake teachers. To report these inward depth, encounter today's Bite Size Bible Study.

1. False teachers are skilled at presenting themselves inward a positive low-cal (Matthew 7:15).  

2. They bring a “form of godliness,” using Scripture in addition to including some truth amongst their fault (2 Timothy 3:1-5).(1)

3. They're ofttimes powerful individuals, in addition to Satan is commonly behind their popularity (Matthew 24:24).(2)

4. They crusade divisions, peculiarly amongst Christians who recognize their errors (Romans 16:17; Galatians 1:6-10).(3) 

5. They bring followers (2 Corinthians 11:3-4; 1 Timothy 4:11).
We should never assume that a teacher's popularity is a sign of anointing from God.

6. They “secretly introduce” their fake beliefs, hiding their errors amongst convincing explanations (2 Peter 2:1).(4)

7. Some volition fifty-fifty claim to move the Messiah (Matthew 24:5).(5)

8. False prophets are forerunners to the Antichrist, drawing people away from the truth (1 John 2:18). 

9. They redefine Christ (2 John 1:6-11; 2 Corinthians 11:4).

10. They seldom bring biblical lifestyles (2 John 1:6-11; Matthew 7:15-20).(6) 

(1)  See Satan's Twists in addition to Turns,  5 Ways Satan Speaks, in addition to 3 of Satan's Half-Truth Tactics.
(2)  See The Difference Between God in addition to Satan and  Understanding Why Satan Has Power.
(3)  See Don't Believe Anything that Contradicts Scripture.
(4)  See Deceptive Evangelism.
(5) The Church of Almighty God is a modern example.
(6) See Extravagant Love in addition to The Lifestyle of a False Teacher.


Archive of 1-minute devotions virtually fake teachers in addition to fake teachings: 

Right is Right

3 Requirements for Discernment

3 Characteristics of False Teachers

How False Teachers Help Us

Are You Defending False Teaching?

The Right Way to Check out Christian Teachers

7 Claims of False Teachers

Jesus Calling: Are Sarah Young's Claims Biblical

The Power in addition to Limit of Words


Know-it-all Followers

Checking the Source

Examining "The Shack"

The Popular Teachings of Joel Osteen: Beware 

s warnings in addition to hence nosotros tin avoid fake instruction ten Facts About False Teachers

Bible Love Notes