Tuesday, December 3, 2013

6 Aspects Of Godly Sorrow

 Corinthians Paul describes the godly sorrow  6 Aspects of Godly Sorrow

In 1 Corinthians 5, Paul rebukes the Corinthian Christians.  They repent, in addition to Paul commends them for their "godly sorrow" (2 Corinthians 7:8-16).

This passage illustrates these 6 of import aspects of godly sorrow (i.e. godly conviction):

1. We sometimes require correction in addition to rebuke inwards society to experience godly sorrow (Misunderstandings About Judgment.

2. Godly sorrow “stings” - no 1 enjoys correction (vv. 8-9).(1) 

3. Godly sorrow leads to genuine repentance, i.e. turning from sin (v. 9).

4. Godly sorrow doesn’t impairment us or exit us amongst regret because nosotros human face upward it honestly (vv. 9-10).

5. Godly sorrow leads to an earnest wishing to brand things right through reconciliation and/or restitution (v. 11).

6. Godly sorrow restores trust, love, in addition to companionship (vv. 12-16).

Worldly sorrow is the opposite

Correction "stings" for a dissimilar reason: because we’re distressing for beingness corrected, non distressing for our sins. We may insincerely or temporarily repent. But nosotros supply to our sin in addition to lose the trust, affection, in addition to companionship of others.
(1) Modern Christian civilization oftentimes assumes that all aspects of our organized religious belief are meant to brand us experience skilful virtually ourselves. But Scripture makes it clear that feeling bad virtually our sins is a necessary pace inwards repentance. Most of us tin purpose some encouragement to repent sincerely. Here are a few other 1-minute devotions that tin help:
No Regrets
How to Say "I'm Sorry"
How to Share Offenses in addition to Apologize Biblically

 Corinthians Paul describes the godly sorrow  6 Aspects of Godly Sorrow

Bible Love Notes