Monday, May 31, 2021

Wait For The English

God spoke to this remote tribe in addition to told them the nationality of the someone who would percentage Wait for the English

"One of our missionaries came across a tribe who asked him if he was English. When he told them he was, they brought him to a homo who recounted the most astonishing story. Several years before, when he was a teenager, this homo had a bright dream. In the dream God told him, 'Wait for the English; they volition say yous nigh Me.' Ever since the people of the hamlet had questioned whatever white someone who crossed their path, scream for if he was English."       Alfred Buxton 

Imagine the joy of Buxton, a British missionary to Africa inwards the belatedly 1800's, when he met this tribe inwards a remote African village. 

Are yous facing an "impossible" situation?

Take a 2d today in addition to recollect that nosotros serve a God who is able to verbalise to a tribe inwards the remotest parts of Africa in addition to say them the exact nationality of the someone who volition say them nigh His Son. 
Buxton was C.T. Studd's son-in-law 
The quote is from C.T. Studd, No Retreat, past times Janet in addition to Geoff Benge

God spoke to this remote tribe in addition to told them the nationality of the someone who would percentage Wait for the English