Friday, May 14, 2021

Do Nosotros Underestimate Christ's Words?

Some claim nosotros tin brand Jesus our Savior without making Him our Lord Do We Underestimate Christ's Words?

In seminary I was assigned a presentation on the "Lordship Salvation" debate. This disputation produced several books inwards the 1990s together with started a ground that continues today.

A little minority of theologians claim that discipleship is optional for the believer. They learn that believers tin alive similar pagans, never repenting of their sins, together with they'll even together with then drib dead inwards to sky if they believe inwards Jesus.

Of course, they don't convey a Biblical leg to stand upwards on. Scripture makes it clear that no i tin really believe inwards Christ together with non repent of the sins that nailed Him to the cross.

Genuine organized faith inwards Christ is nada less than an all-encompassing life commitment.

In Luke 14:25-34, Jesus says "count the cost... those of yous who practice non surrender everything yous convey cannot endure my disciples."  

We dare non underestimate these words of Christ. 


If you'd similar to explore this enquiry a few to a greater extent than minutes, banking concern agree out my Bite Size Bible Study HERE. It includes all of the Scriptures together with tin endure done on your reckoner or iphone or easily downloaded.

Some claim nosotros tin brand Jesus our Savior without making Him our Lord Do We Underestimate Christ's Words?