Thursday, May 20, 2021

Better Than Morning Time Coffee...Really!

Coffee has unopen to swell benefits for our wellness in addition to good Better Than Morning Coffee...Really!

"Due to its worldwide popularity, java is belike the greatest source of antioxidants inwards the global diet. ... it may merely last the super-food of the century."(1) 

According to numerous studies, coffee: 
1. Lowers opportunity of death. 
2. Helps preclude unopen to cancers. 
3. Lowers susceptibility to type ii diabetes. 
4. Helps protect the encephalon from dementia. 
5. Stimulates deoxyribonucleic acid molecules inwards muscles amongst effects similar to exercise. 

I was thinking close the pleasance a loving cup of java brings in addition to the pleasance the Bible brings. So afterwards reading these benefits of coffee, I compared unopen to benefits of the Bible. It:

1. Lowers our opportunity of eternal decease (Romans 1:16).

2. Helps preclude "spiritual cancers" similar bitterness (Hebrews 12:15).

3. Regulates our spiritual "blood" preventing unhealthy highs in addition to lows (2 Timothy 3:16-17).

4. Protects in addition to renews our minds (Romans 12:2).

5. Stimulates spiritual DNA, exercising in addition to edifice organized religious belief (Romans 10:17)

Yep! The Bible is ameliorate than my morn cuppa joe! 
(1) 9 Amazing Benefits of Coffee
Coffee has unopen to swell benefits for our wellness in addition to good Better Than Morning Coffee...Really!
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Coffee has unopen to swell benefits for our wellness in addition to good Better Than Morning Coffee...Really!