Sunday, May 23, 2021

When The Feelings Aren't There

If you lot mean value you lot are e'er going to endure excited to read your Bible When the Feelings Aren't There

"It is a mutual temptation of Satan to brand us surrender the reading of the Word too prayer when our enjoyment is gone; every bit if it were of no role to read the Scriptures when nosotros exercise non bask them, too every bit if it were no role to pray when nosotros convey no spirit of prayer." George Muller 

Sometimes I'm eager to pass fourth dimension inwards God's Word, wanting to bag away from my daily operate to taste it's wisdom too truth. It makes me experience refreshed too renewed.

Other times, I'm non that excited too "feel" zero significant.

But God's Word is reliable too my feelings are not. 

God compares His Word to pelting that waters the earth too causes growth, too He assures us that His Words volition exercise everything He sends them to exercise (Isaiah 55:10-11). 

So whether nosotros "feel" it or not, God's Word is e'er worth our time.
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If you lot mean value you lot are e'er going to endure excited to read your Bible When the Feelings Aren't There