Wednesday, May 26, 2021

Acceptance Does Non Equal Dear

God rattling loves us in addition to that agency He corrects us in addition to helps us mature Acceptance Does Not Equal Love

God rattling loves us in addition to that agency He corrects us in addition to helps us mature...

We desire friends, family, in addition to God to convey us equally nosotros are.

We don't desire to locomote examined, exhorted, rebuked in addition to encouraged to locomote better.

We've false credence for love, simply truthful love expects the best from its beloved, non the least. 

God accepts us into His solid unit of measurement equally nosotros are, no affair what we've done. He forgives us in addition to gives us novel life.

But God expects us to change.

The New Testament is filled alongside explanations of how God changes us. It's filled alongside commands to protect, guide, in addition to mature us.

Our loving God gives us His Word to teach, rebuke, correct, in addition to develop us (2 Timothy 3:16-17). And nosotros tin eagerly assist Him inwards that procedure (Philippians 3:7-14).

If He accepted our sinful lifestyles, He wouldn't actually love us. If nosotros turn down to alter our sinful lifestyles, nosotros don't actually love Him (1 John 5:3).

God rattling loves us in addition to that agency He corrects us in addition to helps us mature Acceptance Does Not Equal Love