Sunday, May 16, 2021

6 Biblical Principles Close Coin & Possessions

 Biblical Principles for treatment coin in addition to possessions every bit God desires half dozen Biblical Principles About Money & Possessions

The Bible contains hundreds of references nigh coin in addition to possessions. Here are half dozen basic principles:

1. Sacrifice Not Size: When nosotros give, the total is non every bit of import every bit the sacrifice (Mark 12:41-44).

2. Little Things Matter: The means nosotros grip small-scale amounts of coin is a reflection of how we'll grip larger responsibilities (Luke 16:10).

3. Contentment is Key: With Christ's help, nosotros tin hold upward content inwards wealth or poverty (Philippians 4:11-13).

4. Temptation & Destruction: Money is a powerful temptation, amongst non bad ability to destroy our organized religious belief in addition to life purposes (1 Timothy 6:7-10).

5. Reap What You Sow: Stinginess is rewarded amongst stinginess, generosity amongst generosity. God cares nigh the take in of the giver to a greater extent than than the gift (2 Corinthians 9:6-8).

6. Faith = Help: Those amongst genuine organized religious belief inwards Christ volition assistance those inwards postulate (James 2:14-17). 

 Biblical Principles for treatment coin in addition to possessions every bit God desires half dozen Biblical Principles About Money & Possessions

These half dozen principles assistance us stance our coin in addition to possessions every bit God intended.

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 Biblical Principles for treatment coin in addition to possessions every bit God desires half dozen Biblical Principles About Money & Possessions

Bible Love Notes