Saturday, May 22, 2021

People Pleasing Is A Dead Goal

 gives us the truth nosotros require to overcome destructive forms of  People Pleasing Is H5N1 Dead End

When nosotros verbalize well-nigh "people-pleasers" nosotros oftentimes intend of weak, doormat types. But people-pleasing is a subtle work for most of us. 

We all experience insecure when people turn down us, but nosotros must proceed these things inward mind:
1. Insecurity is oftentimes a sign of people-pleasing.
2. People's expectations in addition to opinions change.
3. God's expectations are stable in addition to dependable. 

Sometimes people unsubscribe from Bible Love Notes because they don't similar something I've written. I could avoid this if I exclusively wrote things people wanted to hear.

But God's Word gives us a amount moving-picture demo of truth, non only the tardily parts. And I know that I require to locomote challenged in addition to corrected besides equally encouraged in addition to comforted.

I would rather delight the Lord past times presenting the amount gospel than delight men past times exclusively sharing the "easy" parts.

I'm learning to bargain alongside my insecurities past times reminding myself of Colossians 3:23: "Work willingly at whatsoever you lot do, as though you lot were working for the Lord rather than for people." 

If you lot bring similar insecurities, I encourage you lot to memorize this verse.

Would you lot similar to create a real brusque Bible written report on this devotion alongside amount text of the Scripture verses? Check it out HERE.

 gives us the truth nosotros require to overcome destructive forms of  People Pleasing Is H5N1 Dead End