Saturday, May 15, 2021

Cut & Glue Christians

t concur amongst as well as created the Jefferson Bible Cut & Paste Christians

Thomas Jefferson didn't concur amongst the whole Bible, peculiarly miracles, the resurrection, as well as the Holy Spirit. So he cutting out the portions he didn't concur amongst as well as created the Jefferson Bible.(1)

Jefferson was similar unopen to other political leader thousands of years earlier:

The Lord told Jeremiah to write a prophecy as well as when it was read to Rex Jehoiakim, he listened to it a few lines at a fourth dimension as well as "cut them off amongst a scribe’s knife as well as threw them into the firepot, until the entire scroll was burned inwards the fire" (Jeremiah 36). 

Most of us don't accept pair of scissors to our Bibles; nosotros simply ignore passages nosotros don't similar or practise sophisticated arguments to explicate them away. 

A whole generation of Christians is redefining sexuality, life goals, as well as selfishness, ignoring the clear warnings as well as teaching of Scripture. 

We tin cutting or ignore, "but the give-and-take of the Lord endures forever" (1 Peter 1:25). 

For this I am grateful. 
(1) For to a greater extent than on the Jefferson Bible: Jeffersonian Christians

t concur amongst as well as created the Jefferson Bible Cut & Paste Christians

Bible Love Notes