Monday, May 31, 2021

When Downward Is Upward - Heartfelt Repentance - James 4:9-10

meaning Christians Sometimes Encourage Other Christians to Ignore God When Down is Up - Heartfelt Repentance - James 4:9-10

We must live on careful non to interfere alongside the conviction of the Holy Spirit...

She told our small-scale grouping that God had spoken to her pump as well as revealed she was jealous as well as vindictive. Because I knew unopen to of the problems she'd caused her roommates, I was relieved. 

But earlier her repentant words were out of her mouth, several members of our small-scale grouping doused them alongside "unsanctified mercy." When she left that day, she was convinced she'd been also difficult on herself.

Thinking they were beingness "nice," her friends had genuinely encouraged her to ignore the Holy Spirit. They didn't realize that sometimes downwards is up. Being sorrowful for sin is a proficient thing.

"Let at that spot live on tears for what you lot accept done. Let at that spot live on sorrow as well as deep grief. Let at that spot live on sadness instead of laughter, as well as gloom instead of joy. Humble yourselves earlier the Lord, as well as he volition elevator you lot upward inwards honor." James 4:9-10 NLT

Let's run into sin for what it is as well as response appropriately.

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meaning Christians Sometimes Encourage Other Christians to Ignore God When Down is Up - Heartfelt Repentance - James 4:9-10