Sunday, June 20, 2021

Winning About Other Form Of Jackpot: Coin Versus Wisdom

She lost the lottery exactly her miss gained wisdom as well as values Winning Another Kind of Jackpot: Money versus Wisdom

She lost the lottery exactly her miss gained wisdom as well as values...

Gloria Mackenzie, 84, stepped inwards forepart of Mindy Crandell, 34, inwards the lottery ticket line. The shop clerk noticed as well as offered to allow Mindy become first, exactly she declined. 

That gracious human activity toll Crandell $590.5 ane grand m because Mackenzie won the Powerball Jackpot alongside a ticket that Crandell would convey purchased.

She lost the lottery exactly her miss gained wisdom as well as values Winning Another Kind of Jackpot: Money versus WisdomSurprisingly, Crandell has no sick feelings. 

"It could convey been us, exactly things happen. Sometimes it's meliorate to locomote patient than right. I knew nosotros were didactics our daughter* the correct thing," Crandell said.

Let's educate aside the lawsuit of gambling/lotteries for the sake of discussion: What if your conclusion to locomote gracious toll y'all millions. 

Would y'all response similar Crandell?

I don't mean value I would.

But Scripture confirms Crandell's attitude.

How much meliorate to larn wisdom than gold, to larn insight rather than silver! Proverbs 16:16

Situations similar these define our existent values. 
See also: Philippians 2:3-4;   Romans 8:28

* Crandell's miss was alongside her inwards business
Source: ABC News

Saturday, June 19, 2021

Accentuate The Positive

Philippians tells us to accentuate the positive inwards our lives amongst practiced argue Accentuate the Positive

A Biblical cure from discouragement...

I recollect an one-time Bing Crosby vocal my mom used to sing called "Accentuate the Positive." 

Its lyrics encouraged a positive perspective on life, in addition to they remind me of an fifty-fifty amend lyric from Philippians:

Rejoice inwards the Lord always ... inwards every situation, past times prayer in addition to petition, with thanksgiving, acquaint your requests to God...whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is splendid or praiseworthy—think close such things ... And the God of peace volition live on amongst you..." Philippians 4:4-9 

Christ promises a perfect eternity filled amongst joy beyond our imagination.

This allows us to "accentuate" the positive no affair how difficult our circumstances.

Philippians tells us to accentuate the positive inwards our lives amongst practiced argue Accentuate the Positive

Bible Love Notes

Friday, June 18, 2021

6 Tips To Brand Scripture Retentiveness Easier

I'm determined to quit memorizing my excuses, in addition to root memorizing Scripture again. Because “hiding God’s Word inward my heart” (Psalm 119:11) has far-reaching benefits. 

Some suggestions:
1. Painless Memorization: write out in addition to repeat a poetry daily. Eventually you'll memorize it. 
2. Mutual Memorization: Memorize a passage a calendar week amongst a buddy. 
3. Musical Memorization: Music helps us remember. That's why advertisers role catchy jingles--think how many you've memorized without trying. You tin pose Scripture passages to familiar tunes, or brand upwardly your ain Scripture “jingles.”
4. Retro Memorization: Find roughly old 1970's praise albums when many of the songs were immediately from the words of Scripture. 
5. Artistic Memorization: Draw pictures in addition to symbols, role outlines in addition to bullet points to manage you lot visualize in addition to recollect passages.
6. Figure 8 Memorization: This method explained HERE is based on Psalm 119:97.
As a novel believer, I did lots of memorization...not lately. But I think to improve. Want to bring together me?

And delight operate out whatever memorization tips you lot convey in addition to then nosotros all tin benefit.
Microsoft image
A to a greater extent than thorough shape of the Figure 8 Scripture Memory Method tin live on works life HERE.

Would you lot similar to encourage your spirit each weekday amongst a 1-minute devotion inward your electronic mail box? Then sign upwardly for a complimentary subscription to Bible Love Notes in addition to larn a complimentary e-booklet when you lot do. Find out to a greater extent than HERE.

Thursday, June 17, 2021

King David's Fundamental To A Well For Yous Faith

 Things King David Did to Restore His Relationship With God King David's Key to a Healthy Faith

It's non most beingness sinless, it's most beingness repentant...

"The best as well as the worst things you lot necessitate heed most him are both true." 
Sir Thomas Blamey writing most General McArthur

My hubby read this quote inwards a armed services history book. When he shared it, I idea "how truthful this is for all of us."

If you lot polled all the people who've known me, you'd larn both proficient as well as bad reports. Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 few would give unfair criticisms, only a proficient pose out of negative criticisms most me would endure true.  

Think of King David. He did awful as well as wonderful things inwards his life, only his life is remembered equally godly because he had a remarkable mightiness to repent as well as re-prioritize his human relationship alongside the Lord.

The same is truthful for us. We are going to sin, disappoint, as well as larn off runway at times. And the wisest agency to bargain alongside our sins as well as mistakes is to repent as well as re-prioritize.

As David, may nosotros say: Create inwards us pure hearts, O God, as well as renew steadfast spirits inside us. Grant us willing spirits (Psalm 51:10-12). 

 Things King David Did to Restore His Relationship With God King David's Key to a Healthy Faith

Wednesday, June 16, 2021

6 Steps For Getting Out Of A Slump

When nosotros brand it a slump in addition to commencement worrying instead of growing 6 Steps for Getting Out of a Slump

Getting dorsum on runway when you're facing challenges in addition to sorrows...

I was talking to a friend in addition to commiserating over around problems (i.e. worrying).

My friend suggested I read around of the devotions I write.

Sometimes nosotros take away friends to teach us dorsum on track. Just because nosotros know the truth doesn't hateful nosotros obey it. That's why honest friendships are invaluable.

When nosotros brand it a slump in addition to commencement worrying instead of growing 6 Steps for Getting Out of a SlumpAfter talking alongside my friend, I headed for my Bible in addition to God spoke volumes inward ii passages: 

Matthew 6:25-34 

1. I'm loved yesteryear God (v.26).

2. He knows my needs (v.32). 

3. I tin flame receive got i 24-hour interval at a fourth dimension every bit long every bit I don't projection my problems into the futurity (v.34). 

Philippians 4:4-9 

4. Rejoicing inward my salvation is of import (v4). 

5. Prayer overcomes anxiety (v.6). 

6. Thanksgiving is essential (v.6). 

7. Dwelling on my blessings brings peace in addition to perspective (v.8-9).

Thanks, Sis, I needed that!

Want to create a quick Bible written report on this devotion? Then caput over to Bite Size Bible Study.

Want around additional 1-minute devotions to help yous overcome worry? I'm going to read them! Be certain to scroll down...there are vi 1-Minute Love Notes near worry below this one on this link: WORRY

Tuesday, June 15, 2021

Correctly Evaluating The Drive Of Your Problems

s usage inward our problems in addition to evaluate things all incorrect Correctly Evaluating the Cause of Your Problems

Bad people are non doing God's volition in addition to thus don't blame Him...

"Why is God doing this to me?"

My friend's hubby left her for around other woman, in addition to she was understandably wound in addition to confused.

But she was bespeak the incorrect question. I reminded her it wasn't God. It was her hubby who was hurting her.

Unfortunately, I sometimes produce the same matter when the sins of others wound me because I know God could spare me the pain.

But God wants to relieve men, non exactly spare them pain. He allows sin, decay in addition to death (Romans 8:23-25) but gives alluvion honey in addition to comfort when we're wound (2 Corinthians 1:3-7).

That's why Jesus said, "In this basis you lot volition conduct maintain trouble. But accept heart! I conduct maintain overcome the world" (John 16:33).

Why non add together around to a greater extent than of God's Word to your schedule yesteryear having a 1-minute devotion delivered to your e-mail each weekday. Sign upwards for a costless subscription to Bible Love Notes in addition to decease a costless e-booklet. Find out to a greater extent than HERE.

s usage inward our problems in addition to evaluate things all incorrect Correctly Evaluating the Cause of Your Problems

What Just Is A Jesus Freak?

minute devotion offers about helpful insights What Exactly is a Jesus Freak?

How produce nosotros response to extreme faith together with radical obedience?

Jesus Freak: Anyone who loves Jesus to a greater extent than than me.
Sometimes nosotros telephone telephone somebody a Jesus freak because they're weird. But sometimes it's because they brand us experience ashamed past times their extravagant faith. 

Did y'all know Christians aren't supposed to endure balanced?

We incorrectly country nosotros involve to "balance" grace together with truth, jurist together with mercy, beloved together with obedience. But these aren't actually issues of balance. 

What nosotros actually hateful (or should mean) is that nosotros desire to abide by God's perfect grapheme because He perfectly exhibits all of these qualities at the same moment. And nosotros don't desire to stress i facial expression of His grapheme at the fail of another.

But "balance" is non a desirable Christian quality. We should strive for extreme, revolutionary, world-changing, life-sacrificing, over-the-top love, obedience, together with service to Jesus.

In Luke 14:33, Jesus says: "Those of y'all who produce non hand upwards everything y'all accept cannot endure my disciples." 

Sounds similar Jesus wants us all to endure Jesus Freaks.


Why non add together about to a greater extent than of God's Word to your schedule past times having a 1-minute devotion delivered to your electronic mail each weekday. Sign upwards for a gratis subscription to Bible Love Notes together with function a gratis e-booklet. Find out to a greater extent than HERE.

minute devotion offers about helpful insights What Exactly is a Jesus Freak?

Monday, June 14, 2021

Every Day!

Scripture offers the response for our worry over ongoing problems Every Day!

The influenza doesn't commonly scare us because it's temporary.

The things that scare us are bad things alongside an unknown "time limit." We wonder how we'll bargain alongside our problems if they final long term: 
    What if my tike never turns from his destructive lifestyle?

    What if my matrimony never improves?

    What if my wellness continues to deteriorate?

    What if I never abide by a practiced job?

      Scripture warns us: "do non worry almost tomorrow, for tomorrow volition worry almost itself. Each 24-hour interval has plenty problem of its own" (Matthew 6:34).

      We tin forcefulness out grip each day's problems because God is acquaint helping us, giving us His strength, comfort together with peace. At the halt of the day, nosotros tin forcefulness out remainder inwards His arms knowing He'll survive in that place 1 time again tomorrow.

      Faith is a 24-hour interval past times 24-hour interval walk, together with the solely musical note nosotros require on tomorrow's calendar is "Jesus volition survive there."

      Scripture offers the response for our worry over ongoing problems Every Day!

      Sunday, June 13, 2021

      Patio Fourth Dimension Amongst God

      Did y'all know God loves hanging out amongst us Patio Time With God

      I'm certain it volition last no surprise to y'all that I honey communication.

      I taste talking to my loved ones almost feelings, ideas, life, in addition to God.

      I cherish real spoken repentance; deliberate, persevering discussions to resolve conflict; shared sorrows in addition to joys.

      Did y'all know God loves hanging out amongst us Patio Time With GodLast Sabbatum morning, I sat on the patio amongst my granddaughters who'd spent the night. 

      While they sipped my grammy java (milk flavored amongst a footling decaf java in addition to lots of sugar), nosotros talked little-girl-Grammy talk.

      They told me almost the mistreatment of a handicapped child, someone's rude comments almost a birthmark, in addition to tattoos. 

      And I told them almost a occupation I had inwards 5th grade.

      We'd played grocery store, watched Veggie Tales, drawn pictures, in addition to eaten out the black before, exactly this patio fourth dimension was my favorite part. 

      I intend God feels the same.

      He loves hanging out amongst us, listening to our stories, in addition to telling us His (Revelation 3:20; Zephaniah 3:17; Psalm 34:18Psalm 147:11; Isaiah 1:18).

      Today let's schedule patio fourth dimension amongst Jesus.

      Why non add together about to a greater extent than of God's Word to your schedule yesteryear having a 1-minute devotion delivered to your electronic mail each weekday. Sign upward for a complimentary subscription to Bible Love Notes in addition to piece of work yesteryear a complimentary e-booklet. Find out to a greater extent than HERE.

      Bible Love Notes

      Saturday, June 12, 2021

      Dumb Things Christians Believe

       Newsweek represents what the Bible calls  Dumb Things Christians Believe

      Newsweek magazine mocks Christian belief inwards our Creator...

      In 2010, the 200th anniversary of Charles Darwin's birth, Newsweek published a listing called "Dumb Things Americans Believe" in addition to creation was on that list.

      A Gallup poll that yr had shown that 25% of Americans nevertheless don't believe inwards evolution.

      There are many reasons (scientific in addition to theological) to turn down evolution, exactly the nearly compelling argue for Christians is this: 

      The Bible says God created the populace "very good" in addition to death, decay, in addition to hurting came AFTER the autumn of human because of man's sin. Evolutionists believe millions of years of death, decay in addition to hurting preceded the presence of human on earth. 

      Evolution's credence is non based on logic or science. It's based on man's inclination to trust the theories of human to a greater extent than than the teachings of God (1 Corinthians 2:6-16). 

      For "by organized religious belief nosotros sympathise that the universe was formed at God's command, in addition to then that what is seen was non made out of what was visible" (Hebrews 11:3). 

      Psalm 14:1 gives God's description of those who dubiety His existence.

      We all direct maintain organized religious belief inwards something, to a greater extent than or less of us inwards God, in addition to to a greater extent than or less of us inwards man. Now which sounds dumbest to you?

      Related 1-Minute Posts:
      Coke Evolved From a Rock  &  Nothing Magically Exploded
      For Christians who intend God could direct maintain used development to create: Couldn't God Have Used Evolution  

      Why non add together to a greater extent than or less to a greater extent than of God's Word to your schedule past times having a 1-minute devotion delivered to your e-mail each weekday. Sign upwards for a gratis subscription to Bible Love Notes in addition to larn a gratis e-booklet. Find out to a greater extent than HERE.

       Newsweek represents what the Bible calls  Dumb Things Christians Believe

      Friday, June 11, 2021

      Asking God The Incorrect Questions

       questions exhibit a lack of agreement as well as a lack of organized religious belief Asking God the Wrong Questions

      Having the correct perspective makes us inquire God dissimilar questions...

      We're fallen beings who've messed upwards our lives, our world, as well as our hearts. Some problems are exterior our control, but most are within of us, inwards our ain incorrect thinking as well as selfish attitudes. 

      That's why nosotros inquire the incorrect questions:
      • Why do bad things laissez passer on to me?(1)
      • How tin I avoid this trial?
      • Why aren't people treating me right?
      • Why doesn't God serve me better? (We don't talk this final i aloud, but it's at that spot beneath the surface.)
       Instead, nosotros should live on asking:
      • Why do practiced things laissez passer on to me?
      • How tin I grow through this trial?
      • How tin I bargain amongst this injustice Biblically?(2)
      • Why don't I serve God better?
      God wants us to live on honest, but He also wants us to own got faith. Today as well as every day, when situations arise that challenge us, let's inquire the correct questions.

      "Not that I own got already obtained all this, or own got already arrived at my goal, but I press on to own got fit of that for which Christ Jesus took fit of me."  Philippians 3:12
      (1) We should inquire this interrogation if nosotros own got been sinning as well as causing our problems, but nosotros unremarkably inquire this interrogation because nosotros mean value our lives should live on carefree, as well as Scripture tells us that is non the illustration (John 16:33; 2 Timothy 3:12).
      (2) God has told us that nosotros volition live on mistreated. We "struggle" against evil only equally our Lord did (Ephesians 6:12; John 15:18). That's why nosotros should inquire God how to bargain amongst it. He's already explained why it happens.

       questions exhibit a lack of agreement as well as a lack of organized religious belief Asking God the Wrong Questions

      Thursday, June 10, 2021

      3 Times To Seize Amongst Teeth Your Lip

      Christians desperately require to intend earlier nosotros utter iii Times to Bite Your Lip

      We all accept opinions, but Christians are commanded to accept speech communication that is "full of grace" (Colossians 4:6).

      So here's iii times to seize amongst teeth our lips:

      1. When our preferences boot the bucket dogmatic.

      We all accept preferences, exactly God hasn't endorsed i church, Bible written report method, translation of the Bible, political party, type of education, or fashion of music. And most political subjects are likewise complex to boil downward to "God's view." So let's survive considerate to those amongst whom nosotros disagree (Philippians 2:3).

      2. When our timing is bad. 

      Unsaved people require salvation earlier they tin sympathize God’s principles. Are nosotros giving people the correct message at the correct fourth dimension together with correct place? Matthew 7:6 may audio a flake harsh, exactly it's an of import regulation that nosotros non portion the deep things of God until a individual is opened upwards together with ready.

      3. When nosotros don't accept our facts straight.

      It's slow (but real ungracious) to overstep along rumors without checking them out fifty-fifty if nosotros remove heed them from someone nosotros respect. Honest people tin notwithstanding spread rumors if they don't verify them (Proverbs 18:17; 1 Peter 2:1).

      Before nosotros claim to know God's catch of healthcare reform or spread the latest rumor close a Christian leader, let's larn the facts, cheque our hearts, together with seize amongst teeth our lips. We facial expression grace from others, then let's hand it ourselves.


      * Some issues are clear, similar abortion--it's clear how God feels close taking the life of a child. We should oppose it out of honey for mother, child, together with Jesus. But most political issues similar wellness tending reform, defence spending, etc. are made upwards of expert together with bad elements.

      For a 4-minute devotion I wrote on this same subject: Like a Fire 
      In My Heart

      Why non add together about to a greater extent than of God's Word to your schedule past times having a 1-minute devotion delivered to your e-mail each weekday. Sign upwards for a costless subscription to Bible Love Notes together with larn a costless e-booklet. Find out to a greater extent than HERE.

      Christians desperately require to intend earlier nosotros utter iii Times to Bite Your Lip

      Christians desperately require to intend earlier nosotros utter iii Times to Bite Your Lip

      July Fourth Picnic

      Since July quaternary is in addition to thus frequently celebrated yesteryear a household unit of measurement picnic, I decided to render a "picnic" of devotions from the archives that are related to our American heritage.

      I encourage each of yous to cause got a few moments today to read 1 or all of these devotions, in addition to delight cause got around fourth dimension to pray for our country.

      And may yous cause got a lovely July quaternary celebration!

      You cause got a house inwards history--God has a role for our birthplace.
      Livin' inwards Disney Land--We cause got been blessed beyond reason. 
      America the Prude--The practiced news.
      He Gave Up His Leg--Those who've kept our terra firma free.

      Wednesday, June 9, 2021

      We Come Across Through A Drinking Glass Darkly

      s ever amend to run into individual confront to confront We See Through a Glass Darkly

      There's something particular virtually seeing people confront to face...

      When nosotros moved to Budapest to create Christian work, our get-go granddaughter was one-year-old. During those years, God blessed us amongst 3 to a greater extent than grands. 

      Our infrequent furlough trips would accept made us virtual strangers to our grandchildren had nosotros non had the wages of Skype. For those of y'all who've never used Skype, it's a gratuitous agency to speak estimator to estimator amongst video. 

      Flashback: When our identify unit of measurement lived inwards Federal Republic of Federal Republic of Germany inwards the belatedly 1970's, nosotros had to rely on phonation tapes sent through the postal service or rare, expensive long distance calls. This was the entirely agency our children could listen their grandparents' voices. And they entirely saw their faces inwards photos.

      I'm thence glad for the applied scientific discipline that straightaway allows face-to-face conversations.

      And I'm equally good glad for this hope virtually our human relationship amongst Jesus: 

      "For straightaway nosotros run into entirely a reflection equally inwards a mirror; then nosotros shall run into confront to face. Now I know inwards part; thence I shall know fully, fifty-fifty equally I am fully known." 1 Corinthians 13:12

      Photo to the correct is a painting present of our minute grandchild during the fourth dimension nosotros were inwards Budapest. She used to affect the covert together with outcry when nosotros had to go.

      s ever amend to run into individual confront to confront We See Through a Glass Darkly

      Tuesday, June 8, 2021

      No Micromanagment

      t postulate to learn younger Christians how to intend No Micromanagment

      Karen knocked on the classroom door every bit I finished my weekly women’s Bible study. 

      She told me she belonged to a liberal Christian church building inwards town that didn't stress Bible teaching. She explained: "My MD late detected a melanoma on my back. I promised God I’d acquire to a Bible report if He’d allow me live, in addition to He answered my prayer. So hither I am.” 

      Over the adjacent few months, I had the pleasance of praying amongst Karen to have Christ in addition to introducing her to the basics of Christianity.

      She withal felt loyal to her liberal church, simply she was growing inwards Christ through our report of God's Word. 

      I didn't experience God wanted me to query her church. Instead, I concentrated on the Bible. 

      I wanted her to know in addition to rely on God’s Word in addition to then she could evaluate her church building doctrines in addition to traditions herself (2 Timothy 2:15). 

      Sometimes I’ve tried to micromanage people’s spiritual lives, simply that's non healthy.

      There are times to verbalize up, in addition to at that spot are times to allow God's Word in addition to Spirit speak. 

      Karen was learning to expose answers inwards God's Word, in addition to that's the best matter nosotros tin learn immature Christians.

      It's the alone agency they volition avoid bad doctrine, liberal churches, in addition to faux teachings (1 John 4:1).
      Please don't misunderstand my point: We postulate audio pedagogy inwards fellowship to grow, in addition to at that spot are times nosotros should address specific beliefs, simply the unopen to of import matter nosotros tin learn a novel Christian is to compare every pedagogy to the Word of God. And to produce that, they must know God's Word for themselves.

      t postulate to learn younger Christians how to intend No Micromanagment

      For a brusk Bible report on this devotion, Check out Bite Size Bible Study.

      t postulate to learn younger Christians how to intend No Micromanagment

      Bible Love Notes

      Monday, June 7, 2021

      Train Ride Conversation

      Sometimes when nosotros are hoping for a lilliputian peace together with placidity Train Ride Conversation

      It was 2008 together with nosotros were on a nine together with a one-half hr prepare trip to Krakow, Poland. We were hoping for an empty compartment to relax, read, together with study. But the Lord had other things inwards mind.

      Most compartments were less than one-half full, precisely non ours. Not alone was ours full, it was overflowing! 

      The iv Romanaian immature people sharing our compartment were operate of a group. So throughout the trip, in that place was a steady stream of immature people at our compartment door. And they were eager to practise English linguistic communication amongst native English-speakers.

      Sometimes when nosotros are hoping for a lilliputian peace together with placidity Train Ride Conversation
      Over the adjacent nine together with a one-half hours, nosotros had conversations on a diverseness of subjects, together with nosotros had several opportunities to portion pregnant elements of the Gospel. 

      We oft don't know what's best for us. We wanted an uncrowded compartment, a placidity twenty-four hr menses of scenery together with Bible study.  But God had a ameliorate idea.

      God may accept a ameliorate consider for y'all today too. Are y'all available? 

      Read Ephesians 5:15-17, together with live on encouraged!

      Sometimes when nosotros are hoping for a lilliputian peace together with placidity Train Ride Conversation

      Sunday, June 6, 2021

      Put Kickoff Things Kickoff When Sharing Christ

      Christians to bring the same sensitivity to sin that nosotros bring Put First Things First When Sharing Christ

      "The essence of proficient sense of savor is never to endure offended yesteryear bad taste." Hugh Hewitt

      She owned the eating seat my hubby together with I frequented, together with nosotros exchanged pocket-size verbalise whenever nosotros saw her. In fact, she was quite a talker, together with nosotros oft had opportunities to nation her things nearly our faith inward Christ.

      Unfortunately, she had a terrible habit of using profanity. 

      Her linguistic communication made us uncomfortable, simply nosotros felt the Lord wanted us to operate out it alone. 

      This woman's occupation wasn't language; it was her request for Christ.

      Don't conk me wrong. We're commanded to estimate the grapheme of people nosotros pass fourth dimension with, Christian or non-Christian (1 Corinthians 15:33; Ephesians 5:5-7), together with we're commanded to right immature homo believers who are sinning (Matthew 18:5).

      But this adult woman was neither a friend nor a believer. 

      In to a greater extent than or less cases, addressing a person's profanity powerfulness endure the starting betoken for sharing Christ, simply inward this woman's example nosotros felt the Lord wanted us to part other things first. 

      It's a affair of beingness sensitive to the Holy Spirit together with knowing that an unbeliever is incapable of agreement her sins until she knows the Lord (1 Corinthians 2:14).

      Christians to bring the same sensitivity to sin that nosotros bring Put First Things First When Sharing Christ
      Why non add together to a greater extent than or less to a greater extent than of God's Word to your schedule yesteryear having a 1-minute devotion delivered to your electronic mail each weekday. Sign upwards for a gratis subscription to Bible Love Notes together with conk a gratis e-booklet. Find out to a greater extent than HERE.

      Christians to bring the same sensitivity to sin that nosotros bring Put First Things First When Sharing Christ

      Saturday, June 5, 2021

      Dying Daughter Injected Amongst Hiv Cells

      Dying Girl Injected amongst HIV Cells proving that God is acquaint inwards our basis fifty-fifty inwards the da Dying Girl Injected amongst HIV Cells

      God is able to purpose the worst things for good. 

      He promises this for faithful Christians (Romans 8:28). But the fact that God is acquaint inwards our basis way that a mensurate of His grace is institute everywhere. 

      I idea of this when I heard close an experimental medical physical care for injecting HIV cells into the blood of terminally sick cancer patients. Now, earlier you lot gasp inwards shock, allow me explain: they engineer these cells inwards the lab to endure "cancer killers" that no longer crusade HIV.

      A picayune daughter named Emma had no hope. Her days were numbered....until doctors injected her leukemic blood amongst these quondam HIV cells. Emma is forthwith healthy. 

      Romans 5:20 says "where sin increased, grace increased all the more." Even though our basis is fallen in addition to sum of evil in addition to suffering, God's presence yet sprinkles grace inwards the most unlikely places.

      Today let's cause got a minute in addition to give thank you lot God for that grace that keeps our basis from becoming predominantly evil.

      Video: Doctors Inject Dying Girl 

      Dying Girl Injected amongst HIV Cells proving that God is acquaint inwards our basis fifty-fifty inwards the da Dying Girl Injected amongst HIV Cells

      The Unsafe Trap Of People-Pleasing - Proverbs 29:25

      You tin flaming delight some of the people all of the fourth dimension The Dangerous Trap of People-Pleasing - Proverbs 29:25

      We must seek to delight God, non man.. 
      "You tin flaming delight some of the people all of the time, yous tin flaming delight all of the people some of the time, only yous can’t delight all of the people all of the time.”  Abe Lincoln  

      Old Abe knew what He was talking about. People-pleasing is a dead end. Don't larn me wrong--we involve to live on form together with gracious, only nosotros should live on to a greater extent than concerned almost God's opinions than the opinions of others. 

      Proverbs 29:25 says, "Fear of human being volition seek to live on a snare, only whoever trusts inward the LORD is kept safe."

      When nosotros focus on people-pleasing, nosotros destination upwardly doing things nosotros shouldn't then people volition similar us.  

      The cure: get got it to the Lord, inquire His sentiment together with heed to what He says.

      Today together with every day, let's larn far our goal to "find out what pleases the Lord" (Ephesians 5:10).  

      You tin flaming delight some of the people all of the fourth dimension The Dangerous Trap of People-Pleasing - Proverbs 29:25