Tuesday, June 15, 2021

Correctly Evaluating The Drive Of Your Problems

s usage inward our problems in addition to evaluate things all incorrect Correctly Evaluating the Cause of Your Problems

Bad people are non doing God's volition in addition to thus don't blame Him...

"Why is God doing this to me?"

My friend's hubby left her for around other woman, in addition to she was understandably wound in addition to confused.

But she was bespeak the incorrect question. I reminded her it wasn't God. It was her hubby who was hurting her.

Unfortunately, I sometimes produce the same matter when the sins of others wound me because I know God could spare me the pain.

But God wants to relieve men, non exactly spare them pain. He allows sin, decay in addition to death (Romans 8:23-25) but gives alluvion honey in addition to comfort when we're wound (2 Corinthians 1:3-7).

That's why Jesus said, "In this basis you lot volition conduct maintain trouble. But accept heart! I conduct maintain overcome the world" (John 16:33).

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s usage inward our problems in addition to evaluate things all incorrect Correctly Evaluating the Cause of Your Problems