Wednesday, June 16, 2021

6 Steps For Getting Out Of A Slump

When nosotros brand it a slump in addition to commencement worrying instead of growing 6 Steps for Getting Out of a Slump

Getting dorsum on runway when you're facing challenges in addition to sorrows...

I was talking to a friend in addition to commiserating over around problems (i.e. worrying).

My friend suggested I read around of the devotions I write.

Sometimes nosotros take away friends to teach us dorsum on track. Just because nosotros know the truth doesn't hateful nosotros obey it. That's why honest friendships are invaluable.

When nosotros brand it a slump in addition to commencement worrying instead of growing 6 Steps for Getting Out of a SlumpAfter talking alongside my friend, I headed for my Bible in addition to God spoke volumes inward ii passages: 

Matthew 6:25-34 

1. I'm loved yesteryear God (v.26).

2. He knows my needs (v.32). 

3. I tin flame receive got i 24-hour interval at a fourth dimension every bit long every bit I don't projection my problems into the futurity (v.34). 

Philippians 4:4-9 

4. Rejoicing inward my salvation is of import (v4). 

5. Prayer overcomes anxiety (v.6). 

6. Thanksgiving is essential (v.6). 

7. Dwelling on my blessings brings peace in addition to perspective (v.8-9).

Thanks, Sis, I needed that!

Want to create a quick Bible written report on this devotion? Then caput over to Bite Size Bible Study.

Want around additional 1-minute devotions to help yous overcome worry? I'm going to read them! Be certain to scroll down...there are vi 1-Minute Love Notes near worry below this one on this link: WORRY