Saturday, June 12, 2021

Dumb Things Christians Believe

 Newsweek represents what the Bible calls  Dumb Things Christians Believe

Newsweek magazine mocks Christian belief inwards our Creator...

In 2010, the 200th anniversary of Charles Darwin's birth, Newsweek published a listing called "Dumb Things Americans Believe" in addition to creation was on that list.

A Gallup poll that yr had shown that 25% of Americans nevertheless don't believe inwards evolution.

There are many reasons (scientific in addition to theological) to turn down evolution, exactly the nearly compelling argue for Christians is this: 

The Bible says God created the populace "very good" in addition to death, decay, in addition to hurting came AFTER the autumn of human because of man's sin. Evolutionists believe millions of years of death, decay in addition to hurting preceded the presence of human on earth. 

Evolution's credence is non based on logic or science. It's based on man's inclination to trust the theories of human to a greater extent than than the teachings of God (1 Corinthians 2:6-16). 

For "by organized religious belief nosotros sympathise that the universe was formed at God's command, in addition to then that what is seen was non made out of what was visible" (Hebrews 11:3). 

Psalm 14:1 gives God's description of those who dubiety His existence.

We all direct maintain organized religious belief inwards something, to a greater extent than or less of us inwards God, in addition to to a greater extent than or less of us inwards man. Now which sounds dumbest to you?

Related 1-Minute Posts:
Coke Evolved From a Rock  &  Nothing Magically Exploded
For Christians who intend God could direct maintain used development to create: Couldn't God Have Used Evolution  

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 Newsweek represents what the Bible calls  Dumb Things Christians Believe