Tuesday, June 8, 2021

No Micromanagment

t postulate to learn younger Christians how to intend No Micromanagment

Karen knocked on the classroom door every bit I finished my weekly women’s Bible study. 

She told me she belonged to a liberal Christian church building inwards town that didn't stress Bible teaching. She explained: "My MD late detected a melanoma on my back. I promised God I’d acquire to a Bible report if He’d allow me live, in addition to He answered my prayer. So hither I am.” 

Over the adjacent few months, I had the pleasance of praying amongst Karen to have Christ in addition to introducing her to the basics of Christianity.

She withal felt loyal to her liberal church, simply she was growing inwards Christ through our report of God's Word. 

I didn't experience God wanted me to query her church. Instead, I concentrated on the Bible. 

I wanted her to know in addition to rely on God’s Word in addition to then she could evaluate her church building doctrines in addition to traditions herself (2 Timothy 2:15). 

Sometimes I’ve tried to micromanage people’s spiritual lives, simply that's non healthy.

There are times to verbalize up, in addition to at that spot are times to allow God's Word in addition to Spirit speak. 

Karen was learning to expose answers inwards God's Word, in addition to that's the best matter nosotros tin learn immature Christians.

It's the alone agency they volition avoid bad doctrine, liberal churches, in addition to faux teachings (1 John 4:1).
Please don't misunderstand my point: We postulate audio pedagogy inwards fellowship to grow, in addition to at that spot are times nosotros should address specific beliefs, simply the unopen to of import matter nosotros tin learn a novel Christian is to compare every pedagogy to the Word of God. And to produce that, they must know God's Word for themselves.

t postulate to learn younger Christians how to intend No Micromanagment

For a brusk Bible report on this devotion, Check out Bite Size Bible Study.

t postulate to learn younger Christians how to intend No Micromanagment

Bible Love Notes