Wednesday, June 9, 2021

We Come Across Through A Drinking Glass Darkly

s ever amend to run into individual confront to confront We See Through a Glass Darkly

There's something particular virtually seeing people confront to face...

When nosotros moved to Budapest to create Christian work, our get-go granddaughter was one-year-old. During those years, God blessed us amongst 3 to a greater extent than grands. 

Our infrequent furlough trips would accept made us virtual strangers to our grandchildren had nosotros non had the wages of Skype. For those of y'all who've never used Skype, it's a gratuitous agency to speak estimator to estimator amongst video. 

Flashback: When our identify unit of measurement lived inwards Federal Republic of Federal Republic of Germany inwards the belatedly 1970's, nosotros had to rely on phonation tapes sent through the postal service or rare, expensive long distance calls. This was the entirely agency our children could listen their grandparents' voices. And they entirely saw their faces inwards photos.

I'm thence glad for the applied scientific discipline that straightaway allows face-to-face conversations.

And I'm equally good glad for this hope virtually our human relationship amongst Jesus: 

"For straightaway nosotros run into entirely a reflection equally inwards a mirror; then nosotros shall run into confront to face. Now I know inwards part; thence I shall know fully, fifty-fifty equally I am fully known." 1 Corinthians 13:12

Photo to the correct is a painting present of our minute grandchild during the fourth dimension nosotros were inwards Budapest. She used to affect the covert together with outcry when nosotros had to go.

s ever amend to run into individual confront to confront We See Through a Glass Darkly