Saturday, July 25, 2020

We Serve A God Of Adventure

 that nosotros tin come across equally a burden or an jeopardy We Serve a God of Adventure
written inwards 2015...
When nosotros returned from overseas Christian operate in addition to moved about our children in addition to grandchildren inwards 2009, my married adult man in addition to I (in our slow 50's) idea it would live on the final of our 20+ moves together.

But before this year, spell praying virtually God's purposes for our lives, God spoke to our hearts. We felt He wanted us to move....we only didn't know where!

Eventually God unfolded His innovation for us to volunteer alongside a ministry building inwards some other state. 

In ii weeks, we'll live on leaving behind children in addition to grandchildren in addition to a community nosotros enjoy.

God doesn't inquire everyone to create this. That's His innovation for us. 

But He asks everyone to follow Him (Luke 9:23-25).

That agency nosotros all must live on willing to create what God asks, whether it's to walk across the street in addition to part Jesus alongside our neighbor, give sacrificially to deal God's work, repent of our sins, or read our Bible daily.

Where is God bespeak you lot to become alongside Him? What is He bespeak you lot to create alongside Him? Will you lot follow Him? You tin live on certain that He has an "adventure" of faith inwards shop for you!

 that nosotros tin come across equally a burden or an jeopardy We Serve a God of Adventure