Saturday, July 25, 2020

Too Late

Scripture warns us that nosotros tin resist God Too Late
Sometimes God says "It's also late."

In Numbers 13 too 14, 10 Israelite leaders refused to believe God's hope to give them a land. They incited rebellion, longed for Egypt, too talked of stoning Moses. 

They'd seen abundant proof of God's faithfulness, only they refused to trust too obey God. 

"How long volition these people process me amongst contempt? How long volition they reject to believe inwards me?" (14:11) 

God is tedious to anger, abounding inwards love, mercy too forgiveness. However, if nosotros stubbornly reject to produce the things He asks, nosotros forfeit blessings (v.18).

The 10 faithless leaders died for their unbelief. And the residual of the people notwithstanding refused to repent. They attempted to accept the province without God's help too were soundly defeated. 

Using their storey of lost promises, Hebrews 3 says: "encourage 1 roughly other that none of y'all may hold upwards hardened past times sin's deceitfulness." (v.13)

Let's non exam God's patience. Let's trust too obey too have every approving He has for us earlier "it's also late."

Scripture warns us that nosotros tin resist God Too Late