Saturday, July 25, 2020

Living Memorials

The righteous volition flourish similar a palm tree Living Memorials

I honey Psalm 92

"The righteous volition flourish similar a palm tree, they volition grow similar a cedar of Lebanon; planted inward the identify of the LORD, they volition flourish inward the courts of our God."

"They volition yet acquit fruit inward former age, they volition rest fresh together with green." 

"They are living memorials to exhibit that the Lord is upright together with faithful to His promises; He is my Rock, together with at that spot is no unrighteousness inward Him."

Isn't that a wonderful matter to be...a living memorial.

Think close it.

Romans 12:1-2 says nosotros are living sacrifices together with Psalm 92 says we're living memorials.

We are walking, talking, breathing reminders of God's goodness.

Our lives show to the fact that life is hard, simply God is good.

People wound together with disappoint us, simply God is e'er faithful.

The globe blurs the lines betwixt proficient together with evil, simply God is pure together with holy.

Human honey is imperfect together with ofttimes painful, simply God's honey is perfect.

The righteous volition flourish similar a palm tree Living Memorials
I encourage you lot to read these 1-minute devotions: 
4 Benefits of Reading the Psalms
Taking Our Emotions to the Lord inward Psalms

For a curt Bible written report on this devotion, banking concern check out today's Bite Size Bible Study HERE.

The righteous volition flourish similar a palm tree Living Memorials