Saturday, July 25, 2020

8 Narcissist Problems

 these problems are becoming to a greater extent than mutual 8 Narcissist Problems
Our civilization is devolving, taking on to a greater extent than in addition to to a greater extent than narcissistic* characteristics.

This is partly due to dis-proven self-esteem philosophies, in addition to partly due to man's style to resist God's ways.

Below are 8 narcissistic characteristics and

✤ 8 Christian characteristics alongside Scripture.

It's expert to periodically examine ourselves in addition to allow God's Word right us (James 1:22-252 Timothy 3:16-17).

1. The narcissist refuses criticism.
✤ The Christian listens in addition to heeds constructive criticism - Proverbs 15:31.
See: Accepting Correction Collection 

2. The narcissist uses people.
✤ The Christian considers others ameliorate than himself - Philippians 2:1-4.
See: Others First 

3. The narcissist exaggerates her importance, achievements in addition to talents.
✤ The Christian has a realistic persuasion of herself (Romans 12:3).
See: Bragging is Not Biblical

4. The narcissist expects exceptional consideration.
✤ The Christian focuses on treating others considerately (Romans 12:10).
See: 18 Characteristics of Biblical Love

5. The narcissist requires constant attention.
✤ The Christian draws attending to God, non self (Psalm 103). 
See: Self Esteem or God Esteem 

6. The narcissist is frequently jealous.
✤ The Christian rejoices when others succeed (Romans 12:15).
See: God Hates Epicaricacy 

7. The narcissist disregards people's feelings in addition to lacks empathy.
✤ The Christian treats others every bit he wants to last treated (Matthew 7:12).  
See: Empathy

8. The narcissist is obsessively selfish.
✤ The Christian denies himself (Matthew 16:24).
See: Will You Give upward your Seat? 

source: Narcissistic Personality Disorder
Why is Narcissism Increasing
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 these problems are becoming to a greater extent than mutual 8 Narcissist Problems
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 these problems are becoming to a greater extent than mutual 8 Narcissist Problems