Friday, July 24, 2020

3 Lies That Accept Our Focus Off God

 lies that accept our focus off God as well as house it where nosotros three Lies That Take Our Focus Off God
Many articles focus on knowing how particular nosotros are to God. But I intend our existent occupation is realizing how particular God is to us.

These lies encourage a focus on ourselves:

1. I can't dear others until I offset dear myself.
This comes from a imitation interpretation of Mark 12: 30-31
See Loving Self First

2. I can't serve others until I experience whole as well as confident.
Serving others is oftentimes the best agency to arrive at confidence as well as joy (Philippians 2:3-4)
See Beatin' the Blues  

3. God wants me happy.
God wants us sanctified as well as mature which brings joy, but non ever happiness (Hebrews 12:1-3).
See Happiness Lie.

Here are three solutions to these three lies:

1. Focus offset as well as initiatory of all on loving God (Matthew 22:36-40).

2. Treat others every bit nosotros desire to survive treated (Matthew 7:12).

3. Quit thinking as well as hence much well-nigh ourselves (Philippians 2:3-4).

Only when nosotros sympathise how particular God is to us, volition nosotros fully sympathise how particular nosotros are to God.
 lies that accept our focus off God as well as house it where nosotros three Lies That Take Our Focus Off God
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 lies that accept our focus off God as well as house it where nosotros three Lies That Take Our Focus Off God