Friday, November 8, 2013

When People Refuse Inerrancy Of Scripture

s of import to empathize the implications of rejecting Bible inerrancy When People Reject Inerrancy of Scripture

Scripture teaches us that God’s Word is God's Word - inerrant (Hebrews 4:12; 2 Timothy 3:16-17).(1)

However, a growing set out of people are rejecting this truth. They’ve decided the Bible contains God’s words, simply is not God’s Word. They claim about parts were written past times biased, culture-bound men.(2)

These people depend on their human agreement to gauge the validity of every passage, fifty-fifty the words of Christ (Proverbs 3:5).

Popular teachers who concur this sentiment oft own got hard passages out of context to “prove” the Bible is non God’s Word (2 Peter 3:15-16). Some instruct that Christ’s expiry was non required, as well as well-nigh of them refuse unpopular moral commands (Romans 1:32).

In 45 years of Bible study, I’ve flora a few passages hard to understand, simply careful written report has eliminated well-nigh of my questions. I tin post away trust God amongst the few insignificant questions that rest because His Word gives me confidence that He is trustworthy (1 Corinthians 13:12). 

If nosotros create non trust God’s Word, nosotros larn our ain gods.
(1) See Believing God's Word is Inerrant.
(2) Please read Brian Zahnd: Denying the Inerrancy of Scripture. It addresses the fake teachings of an incredibly pop pastor as well as author. I encourage you lot to read my response to his beliefs as well as hence you lot volition know how to answer to others who claim the Bible is non inerrant.

s of import to empathize the implications of rejecting Bible inerrancy When People Reject Inerrancy of Scripture