Thursday, November 14, 2013

My Married Adult Man Hates Raisins

What create raisins accept to create alongside hard Bible passages My Husband Hates Raisins

My hubby hates raisins to a greater extent than than whatever other food. 

If individual told me he’d eaten some, I wouldn’t believe them fifty-fifty if I flora the empty raisin box inwards his pocket. I’d know at that topographic point was roughly other explanation.

Why? Because I've known my hubby for over 50 years.

Sometimes when I commencement read a passage inwards Scripture, peculiarly certainly Old Testament passages, it's similar finding a box of raisins inwards my husband's pocket. I don't empathize why that detail passage is inwards God's Word. It doesn't appear feature of God.

But I never incertitude God's goodness, love, or perfection. Nor create I incertitude the inerrancy of God's Word. I know there's roughly other explanation (Proverbs 3:5; Jeremiah 9:23-24; 1Corinthians 13:12).

Why? Because I've known Jesus as well as studied His Word for to a greater extent than than xl years.

We guess everything based on our cognition as well as trust of the people as well as resources involved.

How much create you lot trust God as well as His Word?
Note: In my xl years of Bible study, I accept flora that most hard Bible passages accept a proficient explanation if I am willing to report them thoroughly. If you'd similar to read 1-minute devotions virtually roughly of these hard passages, cheque out the Hard Questions archive.

What create raisins accept to create alongside hard Bible passages My Husband Hates Raisins

Bible Love Notes