Friday, November 15, 2013

Don't Survive Misled

This is a challenging menstruum inwards church building history because an increasing number of groups amongst Don't Be Misled

This is a challenging menstruum inwards church building history because an increasing number of groups inside the church building are seeking to revise Christian beliefs.(1)

Now to a greater extent than than ever, nosotros bespeak to know what Scripture teaches. And these 2 truths are peculiarly pertinent:

1. We cannot love Jesus as well as decline to a greater extent than or less of the Bible's commands.(2) 

John 14:21: "Whoever has my commands as well as keeps them is the i who loves me."

This truth is emphasized inwards John 14:15, John 14:23, John 15:10, 1 John 2:3, as well as 1 John 5:1-5.

2. We cannot accurately stand upwardly for Christ as well as rest pop amongst culture.

Jesus tells us that His truthful followers volition never hold out accepted past times the people of the world.

Matthew 10:22: "You volition hold out hated past times everyone because of me, but the i who stands theatre to the terminate volition hold out saved."

This truth is confirmed inwards John 15:18-22, 1 John 3:13, as well as inwards John 7:5-7.

Therefore, love Christians: "Be on your guard; stand upwardly theatre inwards the faith; hold out courageous; hold out strong" (1 Corinthians 16:13).

(1) The groups challenging Scripture telephone phone themselves a multifariousness of names (revisionist Christians, ex-vangelicals, deconstructionists, as well as progressive Christians), but they are unified inwards their rejection of Scripture's teachings nearly women’s roles as well as LBGTQ issues. It's of import that nosotros empathize the errors they are educational activity as well as therefore that nosotros volition non hold out influenced past times them.

(2) Some inwards these groups claim that they alone obey the commands accredited specifically to Christ, but all New Testament commands come upwardly from the Father, Son, as well as Spirit. They are inwards perfect unity. See Why Not Simply Believe the Words of Christ? 

This is a challenging menstruum inwards church building history because an increasing number of groups amongst Don't Be Misled

Bible Love Notes