Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Dealing Alongside Adversity

 helpful principles for dealing amongst adversity Dealing amongst Adversity

Are yous going through a hard time?

Consider these helpful principles from James 1:2-8:

1. Consider your lawsuit a joy verse 2.

This seems impossible until nosotros focus on God's hope to role fifty-fifty our worst circumstances for our adept (Romans 8:28).

2. Perseverance (patience, endurance, steadfastness) tin alone last learned through challenging circumstances – verses 3-4.

We honey the slow parts of life, only nosotros require difficulties to create Christian grapheme as well as deepen our trust inwards God (Romans 5:3).

3. God wants to help. All nosotros convey to arrive at is inquire – poesy 5.

Everyone may forsake us, only non God (Deuteronomy 31:6).

4. We must never dubiety God’s wishing to assist – verses 6-8.

This is possibly the almost of import truth inwards this passage.(1)   

Our hardships aren't wasted. They are business office of our spiritual growth, a means to attempt our trust inwards God as well as confirm His honey for us (James 1:12; 1 John 3:1-3).

(1) See how Asaph encouraged himself when he felt abandoned yesteryear God:
Have I Served God inwards Vain? 
From Pain to Praise 

 helpful principles for dealing amongst adversity Dealing amongst Adversity

Bible Love Notes