Saturday, November 2, 2013

Truth Amongst Love, Beloved Amongst Truth

s then of import that nosotros sympathize what it way to speak the truth inwards honey Truth alongside Love, Love alongside Truth

We desperately need God’s truth inwards a basis filled alongside misinformation, faux advertising, in addition to half-truths. 

When nosotros come upwards to Christ, nosotros larn that He lonely is the Way, the Truth, in addition to the Life (John 14:6). He brings us both “grace in addition to truth(John 1:17).

Truth without honey is damaging: We should never acquaint biblical truths alongside sarcasm, mockery, or rudeness.

“Love” without truth is damaging: It keeps men enslaved to sin instead of setting them costless (John 8:32). It’s non actually honey at all because genuine honey can't survive separated from truth.

Whether talking to believers or unbelievers, nosotros should percentage the “salt” of God’s truth inwards gracious, wholesome, effective ways (Colossians 4:6; Ephesians 4:29). 

This volition produce goodness others, in addition to it volition produce goodness us because “speaking the truth inwards love” helps us cash inwards one's chips to a greater extent than Christlike (Ephesians 4:15).  

s then of import that nosotros sympathize what it way to speak the truth inwards honey Truth alongside Love, Love alongside Truth

s then of import that nosotros sympathize what it way to speak the truth inwards honey Truth alongside Love, Love alongside Truth

Bible Love Notes