Thursday, November 7, 2013

Sexual History

You powerfulness survive surprised what this report of  Sexual History

Our civilization claims it’s enlightened, intelligent, as well as civilized to convey homosexuality, bisexuality, transgenderism, as well as premarital sex.

History doesn’t agree.

Oxford-educated anthropologist J.D. Unwin studied 5000 years of sexual customs for 86 prominent cultures. 

He found, without exception, that “heterosexual monogamy was the optimal organization for planning, building, protecting, as well as nurturing the family.” When a nation’s sexual morals declined, its productivity as well as success equally a acre likewise declined. (Fingers inward the Flame.
For to a greater extent than 1-minute devotions most biblical morals, run across the archive God's View of Sex.

You powerfulness survive surprised what this report of  Sexual History

Bible Love Notes