Sunday, November 17, 2013

Clanging Gongs

If you lot limited your views using this pop method Clanging Gongs

There’s a unsafe tendency amidst Christians: sharing opinions on politics as well as non-essential doctrines harshly as well as arrogantly as well as attacking those who disagree.

It’s easier to criticize the faith, education, or motives of those alongside whom nosotros disagree than to stick to the subject. But it’s counterproductive. 

Even if we’re discussing essential doctrines, this method is useless. We tin hold out 100% right as well as the other individual 100% wrong, but we’ll never convince them past times questioning their character. In fact, making an declaration personal is the best means to operate along it from going anywhere. 

Debating issues scripturally is non only nearly beingness right. It’s nearly sharing truth graciously (Proverbs 15:1-2,4; Ephesians 4:15; Colossians 4:5-6; 2 Timothy 2:25).

We tin convey groovy spiritual gifts, groovy cognition of God’s Word, groovy religious belief to believe God, as well as fifty-fifty courage to confront cash inward one's chips for Christ. But if nosotros can’t deed inward love, specially toward our brothers as well as sisters inward Christ, we’re clanging gongs (1 Corinthians 13:1-3).

Let’s portion our beliefs kindly or operate along our mouths shut.

Exposés, Articles as well as Videos:
Avoid videos as well as articles that utilisation mockery, sarcasm, harshness, or arrogance when examining faux teachings or faux teachers. When they can’t heighten objections graciously, their objectivity is inward question.

Commenting on Social Media, Blogs, or Websites:
If you lot comment online, stick to the beliefs inward question. Don’t interrogation the motives, character, knowledge, or purposes of those alongside whom you lot disagree. Don’t tell someone they’re ignorant, a liar, deceptive, a hypocrite, etc. If you lot can’t introduce your regard without name-calling, possibly your regard isn't scriptural.

Additional 1-minute devotions on this subject:
Our Words Matter - 26 Scriptures
Seasoned alongside Salt
Ad Hominem Disagreement - a Sign of Weak Faith

If you lot limited your views using this pop method Clanging Gongs

Bible Love Notes