Saturday, November 9, 2013

Believing God's Give-And-Take Is Inerrant

What just does it hateful to believe that God Believing God's Word is Inerrant

An of import tenet of the Christian faith is the belief that the Bible is God’s inerrant Word.  See Hebrews 4:12 as well as 2 Timothy 3:16-17.

That means:

1. The Bible is completely reliable, accurate, as well as true.

2. It was written yesteryear human authors, only the words came from God’s Spirit. It’s non corrupted yesteryear human bias or error.(1)  

It doesn't mean:

1. We accept each passage literally. 
The Bible contains some figurative linguistic communication that isn't meant to endure taken literally.(2)  

2. All cultures volition apply biblical principles identically.
The principles are universal, only they'll endure applied differently yesteryear dissimilar cultures (e.g. modesty).

3. All translations are perfect.
Some translations are to a greater extent than accurate than others.(3) 

4. We shouldn't written report cultural as well as historical backgrounds.
Some Old Testament commands as well as situations are alone understood inwards the context of history as well as culture. But history as well as civilisation produce non negate New Testament commands as well as principles.

We may non empathize every passage of the Bible, only nosotros know it’s “God-breathed,” a poetic way to nation 100% accurate.(4)  

What just does it hateful to believe that God Believing God's Word is Inerrant
(1) 2 Peter 1:20-21: Above all, you lot must empathize that no prophecy of Scripture came close yesteryear the prophet’s ain interpretation of things. For prophecy never had its rootage inwards the human will, only prophets, though human, spoke from God every bit they were carried along yesteryear the Holy Spirit. 

This includes the Old Testament. 
Romans 15:4: For everything that was written inwards the yesteryear was written to instruct us, hence that through the endurance taught inwards the Scriptures as well as the encouragement they render nosotros mightiness possess got hope.

Also complaint that Peter refers to Paul's letters every bit Scripture inwards 2 Peter 3:14-16.

If you lot believe sure enough passages of Scripture are man's words, non God's, as well as hence everything inwards Scripture is suspect, including forgiveness, mercy, as well as salvation.

(2) Believing God’s Word is inerrant doesn’t hateful nosotros believe the basis is apartment as well as trees clap their hands. See Recognizing Figurative Language inwards Scripture, How Can You Take the Bible Literally, as well as Flat populace Lie.

(3) Please don’t endure taken captive yesteryear arguments maxim that at that spot is alone ane God-approved English linguistic communication translation. See Is the King James Version the Best English linguistic communication Translation?

(4) Recently person asked me why God approved of Lot offering his virgin daughters to endure abused instead of the angels (Genesis 19:8). God didn’t approve. Just because something is included inwards Scripture does non hateful it’s God-approved. Lot's actions were evil inwards this province of affairs as well as inwards other situations every bit well. If men made upward a religion, they’d “clean it up,” putting all of God’s people inwards a proficient light. But God honestly shared the history of His people including the sins of Abraham, David, as well as others.

Bible Love Notes