Saturday, November 30, 2013

Holding, Folding, Walking, Running

 of import principles for the Christian life Holding, Folding, Walking, Running

I rarely psyche to province music, exactly I lately heard The Gambler together with couldn’t aid exactly apply biblical principles.

The vocal is most a seasoned gambler using poker price to laissez passer on a swain advice most life. He tells him he must know when to concur his cards, when to "fold" his cards, when to walk away from the game, together with when to run.(1)  

The Christian life is never a gamble, exactly similar principles apply:

1. We involve to know when to concur on.
Hebrews 10:23: Let us concur unswervingly to the hope nosotros profess, for he who promised is faithful.

2. We involve to know when together with what to "fold" (give up).
Matthew 16:25: For whoever wants to relieve their life volition lose it, exactly whoever loses their life for me volition abide by it. 

3. We involve to know when to walk away.
1 Corinthians 10:13: God is faithful…when yous are tempted, he volition likewise render a way out… 

4. We involve to know when to run.
1 Corinthians 6:18: Run from sexual sin!


(1) I don’t play poker or recommend it, exactly knowing when to concur cards together with when to crease cards way knowing when to remain inwards together with when to drib out of a manus of poker. Knowing when to walk away way knowing when to piece of job out of a game, despite the losses you've already incurred because it's inevitable that the losses volition increase. Knowing when to run way agreement the involve to piece of job out of the game forthwith (perhaps to protect yourself from an angry bill of fare thespian or to popular off along from losing all of your money). 

 of import principles for the Christian life Holding, Folding, Walking, Running

Bible Love Notes

Friday, November 29, 2013

When Destructive Sins Are Celebrated

Have yous ever wondered why or in addition to hence of the most damaging sins are celebrated yesteryear our civilization When Destructive Sins are Celebrated

God views or in addition to hence sins every bit peculiarly evil in addition to damaging to the people who commit them (1 Corinthians 6:18; Hebrews 10:26-29).

He does non sentiment gossip the same every bit sexual sins or murder, in addition to nosotros misrepresent God yesteryear claiming He does.(1) 

Does it non appear ironic to yous that or in addition to hence of the sins that God sees every bit peculiarly damaging direct maintain popular off the rallying cries for our modern culture?

The fallen the world doesn’t exactly defend homosexuality in addition to abortion, they celebrate them.

These 2 sins i time divided Christians from pagans. Now they crusade divisions amidst professing Christians.(2) 

No i defends gossip, irresponsibility, or overeating. But lots of folks defend homosexuality in addition to murder of unborn children.

Someday Christians may hold out censured for explaining what God’s Word says most these sins.(3) 

Satan ever takes adult man to the lowest levels of degradation, mocking God’s loving commands (Fingers inward the Flames.) 

Stand firm, beloved Christians. Put on the sum armor of God in addition to bring your stand upwards (Ephesians 6:10-20)!
(1) Dear Christians, delight quit propagating this lie. Just because something is repeated frequently doesn't larn inward true! Without Christ, whatever sin sends us to Hell in addition to amongst Christ whatever sin tin hold out forgiven. But that does non brand all sins equal. Some sins exercise to a greater extent than impairment to our souls in addition to to society, in addition to God makes that perfectly clear inward both Old in addition to New Testaments. If nosotros popular off on claiming all sins are equal inward God’s sight, nosotros help Satan promote peculiarly destructive sins. See All Sins Are Not the Same.  See too Why Homosexuality is Not Like Other Sins in addition to Why Homosexuality is Different. (This concluding article was written inward 2012 earlier nosotros had the "Shout Your Abortion" celebrations.)

(2) Bible Love Notes has an archive of thousands of 1-minute devotions most hundreds of unlike subjects. Not i time has anyone suggested I should quit writing most negative idea patterns, repentance, hypocrisy, unwholesome language, etc. But when I write most homosexuality (a culturally acceptable sin), I normally direct maintain professing Christians enquire me why I'm talking most homosexuality in addition to propose I write most other sins instead. Christians are buckling nether the pressures of civilization in addition to nosotros take away to retrieve that nosotros owe God our loyalty.

(3) It’s of import that Christians ever limited God’s blueprint in addition to commands inward gracious ways amongst hopes that those who commit these sins volition repent in addition to abide by love, hope, in addition to deliverance inward Christ (Colossians 4:6). But nosotros must realize that fifty-fifty when nosotros part things inward a godly way, nosotros are going to hold out called “haters” or worse. Now to a greater extent than than ever, nosotros must assay to delight Christ, non men. 

Have yous ever wondered why or in addition to hence of the most damaging sins are celebrated yesteryear our civilization When Destructive Sins are Celebrated
Why non add together or in addition to hence to a greater extent than of God's Word to your schedule yesteryear having a 1-minute devotion similar this i delivered to your electronic mail each weekday. Sign upwards for a gratis subscription to Bible Love Notes in addition to larn a gratis e-booklet that volition help yous add together joy in addition to depth to your Quiet Time. Find out to a greater extent than HERE.

Have yous ever wondered why or in addition to hence of the most damaging sins are celebrated yesteryear our civilization When Destructive Sins are Celebrated

Bible Love Notes

Thursday, November 28, 2013

Why People Autumn Away

People who autumn away normally blame churches Why People Fall Away

When people spend upward faith, they well-nigh ever blame-shift. They see themselves victims of legalism, flawed teachings, unloving churches, controlling pastors, imperfect parents, etc. 

But Scripture tells us people spend upward faith because their hearts are deceived (Jeremiah 17:9).

"For although they knew God, they neither glorified him every bit God nor gave thank yous to him, but their thinking became futile as well as their foolish hearts were darkened." Romans 1:21

If yous experience your Christian upbringing was perfect, you’re existence gracious. If yous mean value you’re perfectly transmitting Christian faith to others, you’re existence naïve. 

Even the best parents, best Christians, best churches, best Bible studies, as well as best Christian books are flawed.

But genuine faith is rigid plenty to endure fifty-fifty the worst abuses, errors, legalism, extremism, as well as confusion.

When nosotros come across people “fall away” nosotros necessitate to pray for them, but nosotros likewise necessitate to realize that they built their faith on imperfect things as well as imperfect people, non on our stunningly perfect Lord as well as Savior Jesus Christ.
Note: If we've experienced extremist or legalistic teachings inside the church, nosotros necessitate to conform our beliefs biblically, but nosotros must live careful non to throw out scriptural principles along amongst incorrect attitudes. The worst sort of extremism is industrial plant life inwards the "ex-vangelical" or "progressive Christian" displace which  "deconstructs" Christianity, cutting as well as pasting truth to jibe their beliefs. They are non but moving away from legalism, they are revising Scripture. In addition, nosotros necessitate to live careful what nosotros telephone telephone "legalism." Some teachings inwards as well as of themselves are non legalistic, but they tin live applied legalistically.

If yous would similar to live challenged inwards your faith amongst accurate presentations of Scripture, fifty-fifty the unpopular aspects of Scripture, as well as thus sign upward for a costless subscription to Bible Love Notes. Each weekday you'll have a 1-minute devotion inwards your e-mail box to challenge, correct, instruct, inspire, as well as encourage your faith inwards the existent Jesus of Scripture.

People who autumn away normally blame churches Why People Fall Away
Sign upward for a costless subscription to Bible Love Notes as well as become a costless e-booklet that volition assistance yous add together joy as well as depth to your Quiet Time. Find out to a greater extent than HERE.

People who autumn away normally blame churches Why People Fall Away

Bible Love Notes

Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Christ's Consummate Fulfillment Of The Law

False philosophies in addition to dandy confusion come upward from wrong views of Old Testament laws Christ's Complete Fulfillment of the Law

Every police delineate inwards the Old Testament had a purpose.

But around purposes were temporary.

Many Old Testament laws dealt alongside external habits, non take in issues. These instructions almost diet, sacrifices, cleansing, rituals, in addition to vacation observances are non business office of the New Covenant.(1) 

Jesus didn’t abolish these laws. He fulfilled them (Matthew 5:17).(2)   

Some folks spend upward to direct hold Christ's fulfillment in addition to maintain Old Covenant law-keeping.(3) 

But most folks are but confused past times Old Testament laws.(4)  

So let's retrieve this essential truth: Old Testament laws showed us nosotros can't last saved or transformed past times external law-keeping (Romans 3:20).

And let's grasp the role of New Testament commands: they're instructions for walking inwards the purity, power, in addition to purposes of God's Spirit. They transform our hearts equally good equally our demeanor (Romans 12:1-2).

It’s of import to sympathize these truths because atheists in addition to revisionists ofttimes usage Old Testament confusion to discredit Scripture.(4)  

More 1-minute devotions on laws in addition to law-keeping
Did Jesus Really Say That? Must We Obey Old Testament Laws?  
Does God Hate Shrimp in addition to Other Dumb Questions 
4 Short Bite Size Articles on the Law
The Reason We Obey 
Laws, Commands, in addition to Errors  
Does God Hate Shrimp  
We Are Those Who Have Died to Sin, Not Antinomians  

(1) These laws foreshadowed Christ in addition to prepared us for His coming. See Romans 3:20 in addition to Galatians 3:24. In add-on to laws which Christ fulfilled, at that spot were temporary civic laws (such equally instructions regarding punishments for crimes/sins) applying to the nation of State of Israel that were never meant to last universal laws.

(2) See also: Romans 8:3-4Romans 10:4 in addition to Romans 7:4-14.

(3) See to a greater extent than on the Hebrew Roots Movement in addition to its Dangers. Scripture warns us non to estimate other Christians according to Old Testament laws. See Colossians 2:16 in addition to Romans 14:3-5.

(4) Here's an slowly agency to clear upward confusion almost which Old Testament laws were permanent: those commanded inwards the New Testament apply to us today.

False philosophies in addition to dandy confusion come upward from wrong views of Old Testament laws Christ's Complete Fulfillment of the Law

Bible Love Notes

Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Second Cast Gifts?

Do you lot intend the bold evangelists are the most sold Second Class Gifts?

I had a professor inward seminary whose gift was bold, confrontational evangelism. 

He developed a method for sharing Christ together with nosotros were assigned to utilization his method alongside 4 strangers. 

When I did this, I felt I was operating inward the flesh, non the Spirit. The assignment convinced me that God didn't pattern all of us alongside the same gifts, skills, together with purposes.

There's a pop belief amid Christians that "real" Christians produce confrontational evangelism. Some fifty-fifty consider this the most of import aspect of the gospel. Quiet servants, faithful disciplers, generous givers, together with other behind-the-scenes Christians are seen equally 2nd string to bold evangelists.(1) 

But that isn’t scriptural. God has dissimilar purposes for each of us (Ephesians 2:10).

The i who leads someone to the Lord is only the end soul inward the procedure of evangelism together with the kickoff soul inward the procedure of discipleship. Some found seeds, approximately water, together with approximately harvest (1 Corinthians 3:6-9).

When nosotros essay God's purposes, nosotros develop our unique gifts together with help the trunk of Christ to business office equally it was designed (Ephesians 4:7-16; 1 Corinthians 12:4-7).
(1) One argue nosotros intend bold evangelism is together with then neat a gift is because it seems scary to most of us. We neglect to realize that developing a human relationship alongside a vecino together with sharing Christ over fourth dimension is every fleck equally effective together with of import equally confronting strangers. What comes naturally to i soul does non come upwards naturally to another. Sometimes God calls us to pace out of our comfort zone, but He doesn't expression us to hold upwards at that topographic point full-time. Read to a greater extent than inward the 1-minute archive nearly Evangelism Styles where I telephone phone these bold-evangelist types Jumpers.

Do you lot intend the bold evangelists are the most sold Second Class Gifts?

Bible Love Notes

Monday, November 25, 2013

Ex-Vangelicals: Rejecting Scripture

vangelicals direct maintain deceived themselves every bit to the crusade of their leave of absence from their churches Ex-vangelicals: Rejecting Scripture

The term evangelical originated inward the 1700’s from the Greek give-and-take gospel in addition to identified Bible-believing Christians.(1) I've ever considered myself evangelical on that basis.

Although evangelicals come upwards from a diversity of backgrounds, ethnic groups, political parties, in addition to denominations, a novel grouping called ex-vangelicals have lumped them all together, creating a negative stereotype.(2)  

Their complaints include ways they've "suffered" from evangelical teachings in addition to attitudes. But the unifying argue for their exodus from churches is their rejection of the say-so of Scripture inward regard to women's roles in addition to LBGTQ beliefs (John 8:47; John 12:48; 1 Timothy 4:1; 1 John 4:6).

They blame evangelicals, but their existent beef is amongst God.

Now, to a greater extent than than ever, nosotros must tally tightly to God's Word, believing that He knows what is best for mankind in addition to refusing to give inward to the powerful lies of civilization (2 Thessalonians 2:15; Titus 1:9).

Bible-believing Christians are imperfect messengers, but the Bible is withal the perfect message (Psalm 18:30; Psalm 19:8; 2 Timothy 3:16-17; Hebrews 4:12).
(1) Sometimes people confuse the give-and-take evangelicalism amongst fundamentalism. Originally fundamentalism merely meant people of whatsoever faith who held a strict, literal interpretation of their holy books, but it has come upwards to hateful a diversity of things to unlike people. Similarly, the give-and-take conservative 1 time described Christians who held traditional moral values. Now the term is most oft used politically.

(2) This term is non commonly hyphenated, but I've done this for the sake of clarity. People amongst the ex-vangelical beliefs also depict themselves every bit “progressive Christians,” “deconstructionists,” in addition to revisionists. Ex-vangelicals create non tally all the same beliefs, but the things that look to unify them are their disgust for evangelical Christianity in addition to their refusal to convey scriptural commands close women's roles in addition to sexual behavior. Some claim that the biblical commands direct maintain been misunderstood for 2000 years. Others claim that portions of the Bible are non God's Word. Some perish along to telephone yell upwards themselves Christians, others create not. The fact that ex-vangelicals instruct a negative stereotype of evangelicals is 1 of many ironies/hypocrisies inside the movement. They claim to oppose negative stereotypes but they've built their beliefs on one. 

vangelicals direct maintain deceived themselves every bit to the crusade of their leave of absence from their churches Ex-vangelicals: Rejecting Scripture

Bible Love Notes

Sunday, November 24, 2013

3 Disastrous Attitudes

 precisely Scripture offers counsel too advice three Disastrous Attitudes

Broken relationships are oftentimes the outcome of immaturity. It's particularly poor when young attitudes ruin relationships amongst parents, children, too siblings.

Immature Christians define beloved every bit approval.

Romans 14 commands us to beloved others despite non-essential doctrinal disagreements, too that regulation sure carries through to other disagreements. 

It's unrealistic to require consummate approving too like-mindedness inwards every relationship. (See Does True Love Include Disapproval?)

Immature Christians likewise turn down to receive got conflict

Because nosotros are all sinners, nearly relationships include roughly complaints, disagreements, too difficulties. Are nosotros humble plenty to run through the messy aspects of relationships, or create nosotros surrender when things aren't "perfect"? (See You Can't Love God if You Refuse.)

The nearly destructive habit of young Christians is emphasizing the sins of others too excusing their own

If nosotros can't acknowledge our faults or if nosotros embellish the faults of others, we're the primary problem. (See Refusing Correction.)(1) 

Mature Christians create broken relationships past times accepting differences, working through problems, too humbly confessing sin.
(1) If we've harshly criticized others, nosotros should facial expression problems. Making wide generalizations similar "You've ever been a manipulative son" or "You've ever been a critical mother" are effective ways of edifice walls. If you've made this variety of remark to others, yous ask to inquire their forgiveness too inquire God's handle inwards seeing things realistically. 

If you’re having difficulty amongst a relationship, why non read through the verses below each day. Or improve yet, cheque out today's Bite Size Bible Study that contains the total text for each Scripture below amongst 6 Truths that Restore Relationships.

Matthew 5:23-24

Matthew 7:3-5

Matthew 16:24

Romans 12:16-18

Romans 14:19

Ephesians 4:29-32 

Philippians 2:1-4

 precisely Scripture offers counsel too advice three Disastrous Attitudes

Bible Love Notes

Saturday, November 23, 2013

Pointing Fingers At Hypocrites

s real pop for Christians to claim Jesus hated hypocrisy to a greater extent than than other sins Pointing Fingers at Hypocrites

Because Christ in addition to so often rebuked the Pharisees, Christians often claim that Christ hates hypocrisy to a greater extent than than other sins.

And non-Christians honey to tell that churches are amount of hypocrites.

Why are these claims in addition to so popular?

I mean value it's because most of us, Christians in addition to non-Christians alike, mean value we're non hypocrites.(1) 

I in 1 lawsuit did street evangelism that speedily disproved that fact: We asked people if they’d e'er violated the Ten Commandments, in addition to most of them claimed they'd never broken a unmarried command!(2)  

Yes, hypocrisy is a mutual human problem, but it's to a greater extent than than self-righteousness.

We're hypocrites when we:

1. Celebrate sins that God forbids (John 3:19-20).
2. Excuse or justify our sins (1 John 1:8).
3. Judge people for judging (Romans 2:1).(3) 
4. Repay good alongside evil (Proverbs 17:13). 
5. Believe there's no God (Romans 1:20).

God hates hypocrisy, but it's non limited to religious leaders.

Highlighted words are links to 1-minute devotions close those subjects.
(1) Even though Jesus oft rebuked hypocritical Pharisees, Scripture does non tell it's the worst sin. See A Lie Some Christians Believe.
(2) Perhaps these people never committed murder, theft, or adultery, but no 1 has perfectly obeyed the start commandment to worship God inwards a higher house all else. And most people convey lied or coveted at around fourth dimension inwards their lives.
(3) There are appropriate times to estimate others, but around people claim it's never our undertaking to judge. And these people often estimate those who judge, so violating their ain belief.

s real pop for Christians to claim Jesus hated hypocrisy to a greater extent than than other sins Pointing Fingers at Hypocrites

Bible Love Notes

Friday, November 22, 2013

Voices From The Non Bad Cloud Of Witnesses

There are many discouraging voices inwards modern Christianity Voices from the Great Cloud of Witnesses

It's discouraging to hear the voices of sometime Christians who reject their faith. But nosotros mustn't allow their voices touching on our faith or joy.

Instead, let's brain to the "great cloud of witnesses" who cheer us on (Hebrews 12:1). They trusted, sacrificed, in addition to persevered, asset tightly to the Word of God. 

Their voices rank us the courage to produce the same.

They didn't involve every difficult query answered because they trusted God's goodness. They didn't involve culture's blessing because they loved God to a greater extent than than man.

They stood when others were stepping down. They persevered when others were giving up. They suffered when others were taking the slowly agency out. 

God says the basis was non worthy of them (Hebrews 11:38). 

Why non detect simply about practiced Christian biographies this calendar week in addition to kickoff listening to these practiced voices. 

Perhaps simply about of these 1-minute devotions volition rank y'all a house to start:

Lillian, who refused to quit.
Mary, who persevered against dandy odds.
Rachel, who gave upwardly worldly wealth.
Frances, who rode the circuit.
Biddy, who recorded words that maintain to inspire.
Jonathan, who brought the gospel to China.
Robert, who forgave dandy injustice.
Louis, a 12-year-old man child who gave "sight" to the blind.
George, a sometime slave who served mankind.
Joni, who's spent over l years inwards a wheelchair praising God.
Steve, who was baptized yesteryear the human being who murdered his father.
Ginny, who considers hardship a privilege.
40 men, who would rather freeze than deny Christ.

There are many discouraging voices inwards modern Christianity Voices from the Great Cloud of Witnesses

Bible Love Notes

Thursday, November 21, 2013

Popular Evolution, Unpopular Creation

Are yous overwhelmed past times the vast bulk of scientists who believe inwards development Popular Evolution, Unpopular Creation

Some Christians are influenced past times development because the vast bulk of scientists believe it.(1)

But this shouldn't surprise us. The bulk accept ever rejected the things of God (Matthew 7:13-14). 

If scientists acknowledge God is their Creator, they'll accept to trust that He knows what's best for them as well as they'll accept to acknowledge their sins.

God predicted that His powerfulness to beak things into beingness would move a linchpin final result for mankind (2 Peter 3:3-5).

Evolution is precisely man's agency of writing the Designer out of the obvious pattern (Romans 1:20).(2)  

Scientific evidence doesn't essay or disprove creation or evolution. Both beliefs demand organized faith (Hebrews 11:3).

Christians know God is capable of speaking things into beingness (Genesis 1, Psalm 33:6, Psalm 33:9). So what argue would He accept to waste materials millions of years on a procedure involving death, decay, as well as destruction? What piece of occupation would He accept to practise useless organisms? What joy would He accept inwards seeing the potent overpower the weak?

He wouldn't. He didn't.
(1) You powerfulness move interested inwards a Read to a greater extent than here.)

Are yous overwhelmed past times the vast bulk of scientists who believe inwards development Popular Evolution, Unpopular Creation

Bible Love Notes

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Dealing Alongside Adversity

 helpful principles for dealing amongst adversity Dealing amongst Adversity

Are yous going through a hard time?

Consider these helpful principles from James 1:2-8:

1. Consider your lawsuit a joy verse 2.

This seems impossible until nosotros focus on God's hope to role fifty-fifty our worst circumstances for our adept (Romans 8:28).

2. Perseverance (patience, endurance, steadfastness) tin alone last learned through challenging circumstances – verses 3-4.

We honey the slow parts of life, only nosotros require difficulties to create Christian grapheme as well as deepen our trust inwards God (Romans 5:3).

3. God wants to help. All nosotros convey to arrive at is inquire – poesy 5.

Everyone may forsake us, only non God (Deuteronomy 31:6).

4. We must never dubiety God’s wishing to assist – verses 6-8.

This is possibly the almost of import truth inwards this passage.(1)   

Our hardships aren't wasted. They are business office of our spiritual growth, a means to attempt our trust inwards God as well as confirm His honey for us (James 1:12; 1 John 3:1-3).

(1) See how Asaph encouraged himself when he felt abandoned yesteryear God:
Have I Served God inwards Vain? 
From Pain to Praise 

 helpful principles for dealing amongst adversity Dealing amongst Adversity

Bible Love Notes

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Taken Captive Yesteryear Hollow Deception

 reasons unanswered questions should comfort us inwards our organized faith Taken Captive past times Hollow Deception

"Revisionist Christians" pride themselves on squall for questions.(1)  

There's null incorrect amongst questions every bit long every bit nosotros empathise nosotros won't larn every answer:

1. If our finite minds could empathise everything nearly God, He'd endure on our level. He’s non (Isaiah 55:8-9).
➤See Faith, Not Answers.

2. If nosotros could dissect truth similar a scientific discipline project, it wouldn’t involve “confidence inwards what nosotros hope for as well as assurance nearly what nosotros produce non see” (Hebrews 11:1). 
➤See 11 Elements of Faith.

3. If nosotros had all the answers now, nosotros wouldn't convey to trust God's goodness as well as honey (1 Corinthians 13:12; Psalm 145:17).
➤See Can Your Trust inwards God endure Tested?  

God doesn't hope to reply every question, simply He promises to give us all the information nosotros demand to trust Him (Deuteronomy 29:29; 2 Peter 1:3).

The occupation isn't that revisionists are squall for questions. The occupation is that they are answering their questions amongst human wisdom (Proverbs 3:5; Colossians 2:8). 

No wonder as well as thus many are losing their faith!
(1) Revisionists are those who are revising Scripture to conform modern cultural values. They're too called "progressive Christians" as well as "ex-vangelicals."

 reasons unanswered questions should comfort us inwards our organized faith Taken Captive past times Hollow Deception

 Bible Love Notes

Monday, November 18, 2013

Designed Discontent

A secular written report shows that human discontent is necessary as well as inevitable Designed Discontent

I of late read an article written past times a psychiatrist who claims that human history proves human being is non meant to live happy. He purports that we’re designed to hold upwards as well as reproduce, as well as contentment lowers our mightiness to arrive at so. 

Secular researchers oftentimes set human problems, merely they become inwards at conclusions that operate out God out of the picture.

There’s no denying that happiness oftentimes seems elusive, fifty-fifty for those inwards ideal earthly circumstances.

Feeling discontent amongst life as well as sensing that something is missing oftentimes leads people to Christ. It was a huge component subdivision inwards my conversion. 

As C. S. Lewis as well as thence aptly explains: “If nosotros uncovering ourselves amongst a wishing that zero inwards this populace tin satisfy, the almost in all probability explanation is that nosotros were made for or as well as thence other world.”

In Christ, nosotros uncovering earthly contentment (Philippians 4:12; 1 Timothy 6:6-8). But nosotros volition never live fully content until nosotros accomplish our truthful domicile inwards sky (1 Corinthians 13:12; Hebrews 11:8-16).

Source article which comes to the incorrect conclusions: Humans aren't designed to live happy.

A secular written report shows that human discontent is necessary as well as inevitable Designed Discontent

Bible Love Notes

Sunday, November 17, 2013

Clanging Gongs

If you lot limited your views using this pop method Clanging Gongs

There’s a unsafe tendency amidst Christians: sharing opinions on politics as well as non-essential doctrines harshly as well as arrogantly as well as attacking those who disagree.

It’s easier to criticize the faith, education, or motives of those alongside whom nosotros disagree than to stick to the subject. But it’s counterproductive. 

Even if we’re discussing essential doctrines, this method is useless. We tin hold out 100% right as well as the other individual 100% wrong, but we’ll never convince them past times questioning their character. In fact, making an declaration personal is the best means to operate along it from going anywhere. 

Debating issues scripturally is non only nearly beingness right. It’s nearly sharing truth graciously (Proverbs 15:1-2,4; Ephesians 4:15; Colossians 4:5-6; 2 Timothy 2:25).

We tin convey groovy spiritual gifts, groovy cognition of God’s Word, groovy religious belief to believe God, as well as fifty-fifty courage to confront cash inward one's chips for Christ. But if nosotros can’t deed inward love, specially toward our brothers as well as sisters inward Christ, we’re clanging gongs (1 Corinthians 13:1-3).

Let’s portion our beliefs kindly or operate along our mouths shut.

Exposés, Articles as well as Videos:
Avoid videos as well as articles that utilisation mockery, sarcasm, harshness, or arrogance when examining faux teachings or faux teachers. When they can’t heighten objections graciously, their objectivity is inward question.

Commenting on Social Media, Blogs, or Websites:
If you lot comment online, stick to the beliefs inward question. Don’t interrogation the motives, character, knowledge, or purposes of those alongside whom you lot disagree. Don’t tell someone they’re ignorant, a liar, deceptive, a hypocrite, etc. If you lot can’t introduce your regard without name-calling, possibly your regard isn't scriptural.

Additional 1-minute devotions on this subject:
Our Words Matter - 26 Scriptures
Seasoned alongside Salt
Ad Hominem Disagreement - a Sign of Weak Faith

If you lot limited your views using this pop method Clanging Gongs

Bible Love Notes

Saturday, November 16, 2013

The Give-And-Take Homosexual Inwards Scripture

If nosotros help almost the souls of homosexual men together with women, nosotros volition larn what Scripture teaches almost same-gender sex.

If nosotros help almost the souls of homosexual men together with women The Word Homosexual inward Scripture

Some revisionist Bible teachers forthwith claim that Christianity's disapproval of homosexuality comes from prejudice and/or ignorance.

One declaration they purpose is the fact that the give-and-take homosexual didn't seem inward English linguistic communication Bible translations until 1946.

It's true. The English linguistic communication give-and-take homosexual didn't come upwardly into normal purpose until the twentieth century (source). 

However, when it was used inward Bible translations inward 1946, it accurately translated the master linguistic communication texts.(1)   

Compare these 2 translations of Levitcus 18:22:

The 1611 King James Version: "Thou shalt non prevarication amongst mankind, every bit amongst womankind: it is abomination." 

The 2015 New Living Translation: "Do non exercise homosexuality, having sexual practice amongst or together with then other adult man every bit amongst a woman. It is a detestable sin."

The pregnant of the 400-year-old English linguistic communication translation is the same every bit the modern translation which uses the give-and-take homosexuality.(2)

Scripture warns us of revisionist teachings that supercede audio doctrine amongst human doctrines (2 Timothy 4:3; Jude 1:18). They tin strength out travel highly deceptive, together with then let's carefully banking corporation jibe everything against Scripture.

"See to it that no 1 takes y'all captive through hollow together with deceptive philosophy, which depends on human tradition together with the elemental spiritual forces of this the world rather than on Christ." Colossians 2:8

(1) Pull out an former translation of Scripture together with you'll honor thees together with thous together with words similar adjure, anon, assay, bewray, broid, haply, and wot. These words were understood at the fourth dimension the translations were written, exactly they aren't recognized past times most modern readers. Changing them clarifies the pregnant of Scripture. Continuing to purpose them makes Scripture harder to understand.

(2) The give-and-take homosexual is also used inward or together with then New Testament verses. For example, it is used inward or together with then translations of God's View of Homosexuality.

If nosotros help almost the souls of homosexual men together with women The Word Homosexual inward Scripture

Friday, November 15, 2013

Don't Survive Misled

This is a challenging menstruum inwards church building history because an increasing number of groups amongst Don't Be Misled

This is a challenging menstruum inwards church building history because an increasing number of groups inside the church building are seeking to revise Christian beliefs.(1)

Now to a greater extent than than ever, nosotros bespeak to know what Scripture teaches. And these 2 truths are peculiarly pertinent:

1. We cannot love Jesus as well as decline to a greater extent than or less of the Bible's commands.(2) 

John 14:21: "Whoever has my commands as well as keeps them is the i who loves me."

This truth is emphasized inwards John 14:15, John 14:23, John 15:10, 1 John 2:3, as well as 1 John 5:1-5.

2. We cannot accurately stand upwardly for Christ as well as rest pop amongst culture.

Jesus tells us that His truthful followers volition never hold out accepted past times the people of the world.

Matthew 10:22: "You volition hold out hated past times everyone because of me, but the i who stands theatre to the terminate volition hold out saved."

This truth is confirmed inwards John 15:18-22, 1 John 3:13, as well as inwards John 7:5-7.

Therefore, love Christians: "Be on your guard; stand upwardly theatre inwards the faith; hold out courageous; hold out strong" (1 Corinthians 16:13).

(1) The groups challenging Scripture telephone phone themselves a multifariousness of names (revisionist Christians, ex-vangelicals, deconstructionists, as well as progressive Christians), but they are unified inwards their rejection of Scripture's teachings nearly women’s roles as well as LBGTQ issues. It's of import that nosotros empathize the errors they are educational activity as well as therefore that nosotros volition non hold out influenced past times them.

(2) Some inwards these groups claim that they alone obey the commands accredited specifically to Christ, but all New Testament commands come upwardly from the Father, Son, as well as Spirit. They are inwards perfect unity. See Why Not Simply Believe the Words of Christ? 

This is a challenging menstruum inwards church building history because an increasing number of groups amongst Don't Be Misled

Bible Love Notes

Thursday, November 14, 2013

My Married Adult Man Hates Raisins

What create raisins accept to create alongside hard Bible passages My Husband Hates Raisins

My hubby hates raisins to a greater extent than than whatever other food. 

If individual told me he’d eaten some, I wouldn’t believe them fifty-fifty if I flora the empty raisin box inwards his pocket. I’d know at that topographic point was roughly other explanation.

Why? Because I've known my hubby for over 50 years.

Sometimes when I commencement read a passage inwards Scripture, peculiarly certainly Old Testament passages, it's similar finding a box of raisins inwards my husband's pocket. I don't empathize why that detail passage is inwards God's Word. It doesn't appear feature of God.

But I never incertitude God's goodness, love, or perfection. Nor create I incertitude the inerrancy of God's Word. I know there's roughly other explanation (Proverbs 3:5; Jeremiah 9:23-24; 1Corinthians 13:12).

Why? Because I've known Jesus as well as studied His Word for to a greater extent than than xl years.

We guess everything based on our cognition as well as trust of the people as well as resources involved.

How much create you lot trust God as well as His Word?
Note: In my xl years of Bible study, I accept flora that most hard Bible passages accept a proficient explanation if I am willing to report them thoroughly. If you'd similar to read 1-minute devotions virtually roughly of these hard passages, cheque out the Hard Questions archive.

What create raisins accept to create alongside hard Bible passages My Husband Hates Raisins

Bible Love Notes

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

God's Remnant People

 at that topographic point bring ever been a remnant of genuine believers ready apart from nominal in addition to weak bel God's Remnant People

Christians are imperfect people. All of us.

But throughout history (to include acquaint history) at that topographic point bring ever been a remnant of genuine believers ready apart from nominal in addition to weak believers. This remnant has persevered, trusting God in addition to His Word. They haven't served Jesus perfectly, merely they've served Him well. 

Instead of bending amongst culture, this remnant has:

1. Accepted God's commands, realizing His commands are a approbation in addition to a protection, non a burden (1 John 5:3).

2. Accepted the difficult parts of the gospel, refusing to cut in addition to glue Scripture to adjust selfish desires.

3. Kept the faith, fifty-fifty though they aren't fully rewarded inwards this life (Hebrews 11:13-16).

Our churches are full, merely they aren't amount of remnant Christians. 

They're a mixture of:

1. Fakers -- Matthew 13:24-30 in addition to 2 Timothy 3:1-5.
See Standing Firm Despite Compromise inwards the Church

2. Worldly Christians -- 1 Corinthians 3:10-15.
See Errors almost Worldly Comfort in addition to Security.

3. God's remnant people -- Matthew 7:21-27
➢ See Paul's Boast.

Which are you? Which produce you lot wishing to be?

 at that topographic point bring ever been a remnant of genuine believers ready apart from nominal in addition to weak bel God's Remnant People

Bible Love Notes