Sunday, September 8, 2019

Share The Gospel Honestly

 We are non doing our friends a favor when nosotros portion an tardily Gospel Share the Gospel Honestly

Let's non forget that Christ said salvation has a "cost"...

Many modern evangelism methods essay converts through promises of peace as well as joy without stressing repentance as well as personal responsibility.

No wonder as well as then many people autumn away when they honour Christianity likewise brings changed values, self-denial, as well as persecution (Salvation Changes Us.)

What did Christ as well as the apostles stress when they shared the Gospel? Repentance as well as personal responsibleness (3 Warnings.)

 We are non doing our friends a favor when nosotros portion an tardily Gospel Share the Gospel Honestly
What should nosotros stress when nosotros portion the Gospel? Repentance as well as personal responsibility.

If nosotros don’t nation people they’re dying inwards their sins, they won’t sympathise the value of forgiveness.

If nosotros don’t nation them there’s a cost for the peace as well as joy Christ gives, nosotros misrepresent the Gospel (Luke 9:23-24).

Christ said, “Count the cost” earlier next Him (Luke 14:25-34).

He said people who weren’t willing to deny themselves weren’t worthy of Him (Matthew 10:37-38).

We aren’t saved past times our goodness or our expert works, precisely nosotros are saved as well as then that nosotros tin pursue righteousness as well as create expert plant (Ephesians 2:10; 1 John 3:3).

Whether or non that’s attractive to unbelievers, it’s even as well as then the Gospel.
If Jesus presented it that way, as well as then should we.

 We are non doing our friends a favor when nosotros portion an tardily Gospel Share the Gospel Honestly
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