Thursday, September 5, 2019

Dogs Grade Us Something Virtually Our God

minute devotion that shares but about wonderful information close how God created dogs for our  Dogs Tell Us Something About Our God

“Dogs Decoded” on PBS highlighted how dogs bond alongside humans. They're protective, comforting, too even sensitive to human facial expressions.

When dogs too owners interact, both bask increased levels of oxytocin, the same hormone released betwixt novel mothers too their babies. 

Dog owners are less probable to buy the farm pump attacks because oxytocin lowers pump rate, blood pressure level too stress.

I'm ever amused how secular shows endeavour to explicate the unique aspects of creation. 

It's too thus obvious that our the world is filled alongside deliberate blessings from our Creator, non random accidents of evolution.

Dogs are 1 means God has left His imprint on creation:

"For since the creation of the the world God's invisible qualities--his eternal ability too divine nature--have been clearly seen, beingness understood from what has been made, too thus that people are without excuse" (Romans 1:20).

There are millions of gifts inwards creation - all reminders of God's beloved (James 1:17).
originally published on Bible Love Notes inwards 2012

You powerfulness bask these 1-minute devotions close creation:
4 Ways to Enjoy Creation Today
Look at the Firefly

minute devotion that shares but about wonderful information close how God created dogs for our  Dogs Tell Us Something About Our God
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minute devotion that shares but about wonderful information close how God created dogs for our  Dogs Tell Us Something About Our God