Wednesday, September 25, 2019

5 Biblical Ways To Answer To Injustice

 Biblical principles for responding to injustice five Biblical Ways to Respond to Injustice

Most of us volition sense roughly cast of slander or rejection during our lifetime. 

Our basis is fallen. Life isn’t fair (John 16:33).(1)

Sometimes people process us selfishly, provide evil for good, tell lies to us in addition to virtually us, cutting off communication alongside us, tell savage things, convey no sympathy or involvement inwards us. 

It matters how nosotros reply to narcissists, liars, in addition to selfish people. We don’t desire to operate past times away similar them inwards our response (Proverbs 4:14). 

So nosotros should:
 Biblical principles for responding to injustice five Biblical Ways to Respond to Injustice
1. Always press into the Lord, non line away from Him. It’s non His fault.
James 1:13 
See When Bad Things Happen.

2. Remember that Jesus suffered rejection, injustice, slander, in addition to physical abuse for us.  
Hebrews 12:1-6

3. Pray for our enemies in addition to spend upward to instruct bitter.
Matthew 5:44, Ephesians 4:31

4. Ignore the taunts of our enemies in addition to the lies of Satan.
Revelation 12:10-12

5. Forget the past times in addition to press on to the future.
Philippians 3:12-14
(1) God promises that people volition reap what they sow (Christianity & Karma Are Not Compatible, A Trophy For Everyone, and  Why Christians Face a Final Judgment

 Biblical principles for responding to injustice five Biblical Ways to Respond to Injustice
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