Thursday, September 19, 2019

5 Ways God Helps Us Overcome Bad Memories

Starting amongst simply about incredible facts most the encephalon of a chickadee five Ways God Helps Us Overcome Bad Memories

God's creation is amazing. 

Research shows that chickadees' brains grow inwards piece of cake summertime as well as early on autumn inwards social club to retrieve the hundreds of places they convey hidden seeds for the winter. They discard cells amongst old memories to brand room for novel cells as well as novel memories. (source)

Sometimes I want I had that might as well as then I could become rid of bad memories – regrets, sorrows, rejections, hurts…

We don’t discard old memories similar chickadees, but those of us who know the Lord sense something improve than discarded encephalon cells.

1. Forgiveness. If nosotros confess our sins, God completely forgives us! Yay!
1 John 1:9

2. Love as well as comfort. God cares most our pain.
Psalm 56:8; 2 Corinthians 1:3-4

3. God’s might as well as forcefulness as well as then nosotros tin motion forward.(1)
Philippians 4:13; Ephesians 6:10

4. Peace. Christ gives us peace equally nosotros residuum inwards Him as well as focus on our blessings.
John 14:27; Philippians 4:8-9

5. Hope. One 24-hour interval God volition wipe away every tear.
Revelation 21:4
(1) If our want is to know God better, nosotros volition essay to forget the past times as well as press on (Philippians 3:13-14).
See: 3 Steps for Dealing amongst Past Sins and Some Interesting Facts About Elephants & Grudge-holding

Starting amongst simply about incredible facts most the encephalon of a chickadee five Ways God Helps Us Overcome Bad Memories
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Starting amongst simply about incredible facts most the encephalon of a chickadee five Ways God Helps Us Overcome Bad Memories