Tuesday, September 3, 2019

God's Commands Aren't Optional

minute devotion explains how Christians tin cash inwards one's chips self God's Commands Aren't Optional

“I’ll start giving when my income increases.”

“I’d observe my parents if they weren’t in addition to hence critical.”

“I’ll written report my Bible when life’s non in addition to hence hectic.”

“I’d forgive them if they didn’t continue doing the same affair over in addition to over.”

“I don’t intend God cares if I ignore a few rules at my workplace.”

Sadly, I’ve heard Christians nation things similar these.

Where produce nosotros teach the stance that God’s commands are optional, that He doesn’t desire us doing hard things or dealing alongside hard people in addition to challenging circumstances? 

We won’t teach whatever of these ideas from Scripture.

Maybe that’s our problem. Too many Christians are getting their values from culture, non Scripture (James 1:22).*

If nosotros written report the lives of Joseph, Jeremiah, Ruth, in addition to Paul we’ll meet that God never promises His children repose in addition to comfort.

God tells us to:

1. Give cheerfully (2 Corinthians 9:7).

2. Honor parents (Ephesians 6:2).

3. Seek starting fourth dimension His kingdom (Matthew 6:33).

4. Repeatedly forgive others (Luke 17:4).

5. Be honest (Proverbs 12:22). 

6. Deny ourselves (Matthew 16:24-25).

7. Reject worldly values (1 John 2:15-17).

With His ability nosotros tin produce all of these things! (Philippians 4:13). 
* Those who know God's Word precisely don't obey it are self-deceived.

minute devotion explains how Christians tin cash inwards one's chips self God's Commands Aren't Optional
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minute devotion explains how Christians tin cash inwards one's chips self God's Commands Aren't Optional