Thursday, January 2, 2014

Trust Scripture Or Snuff It Your Ain God

The Bible is incredibly accurate as well as reliable Trust Scripture or Become Your Own God

A growing let on of professing Christians claim the Bible is non divinely inspired. 

That agency they hollo back they are God.

How so?

If nosotros believe parts of Scripture are outdated, corrupted, or written yesteryear men, nosotros must define truth as well as fault for ourselves. Only God tin give the sack produce that.(1)  

Believing the Bible is inaccurate is non exclusively idolatrous. It’s likewise intellectually foolish:

1. The Bible is extremely trustworthy, to a greater extent than trustworthy than whatsoever other ancient manuscript. God allowed us to honour to a greater extent than or less of the most ancient manuscripts inwards 1947 (The Dead Sea Scrolls), as well as those manuscripts confirm that exclusively tiny, insignificant scribal errors accept been made inwards the thousands of years since the master manuscripts were written.(2)

2. All portions of Scripture are written yesteryear men. If you lot don’t believe those men were divinely inspired to write God’s Word, you lot can’t trust anything inwards Scripture. Even the words of Jesus were recorded yesteryear men.(3)

We tin give the sack either trust Scripture, or nosotros tin give the sack larn our ain god.

I’m trusting Scripture. How virtually you?
(1) People who don't trust Scripture real oft allow their faux teachers to larn their god, allowing him/her to nation them what is truthful inwards the Bible as well as what is not. 

Please authorities annotation that zippo inwards Scripture is "outdated," but non every hope or ascendence inwards the Old Testament is applicable to New Testament Christians. To read more: Laws, Commands, as well as Errors.

(2) God is able to safeguard His Word, as well as He has done that. He would non permit human fault operate out His children without reliable truth. For to a greater extent than on the reliability of God's Word, see: Responding to Atheistic Arguments as well as Guilty Until Proven Innocent.

(3) See: Why non merely believe the words of Christ?

If you lot would similar to endure challenged inwards your organized faith amongst accurate presentations of Scripture, fifty-fifty the unpopular aspects of Scripture, as well as then sign upward for a complimentary subscription to Bible Love Notes. Each weekday you'll have a 1-minute devotion inwards your e-mail box to challenge, correct, instruct, inspire, as well as encourage your organized faith inwards the existent Jesus of Scripture.

The Bible is incredibly accurate as well as reliable Trust Scripture or Become Your Own God
Sign upward for a complimentary subscription to Bible Love Notes as well as larn a complimentary e-booklet that volition handle you lot add together joy as well as depth to your Quiet Time. Find out to a greater extent than HERE.

The Bible is incredibly accurate as well as reliable Trust Scripture or Become Your Own God

Bible Love Notes