Sunday, January 26, 2014

Do You Lot Desire To Only Barely Escape?

s non missy the of import alert inward this passage virtually the means nosotros  Do you lot desire to merely barely escape?

All genuine Christians “build” on the foundation of Christ. It’s role of “working out our salvation” (Philippians 2:12-13). 

Some believers cook carefully, deliberately, as well as wholeheartedly, focusing on heavenly treasure as well as God's purposes (Philippians 3:12-16; Matthew 6:19-21; Ephesians 2:10).  

They're guided past times the accurate pedagogy of Scripture (1 Timothy 4:16)

According to 1 Corinthians 3:10-15, they are edifice alongside “gold, silver, as well as costly stones” as well as yielding eternal rewards.(1) 

Other Christians truly believe inward Jesus, but they larn sidetracked alongside faux teaching.(2)

They pursue empty, legalistic, or selfish "Christian" teachings, all of which give notice similar "wood, hay, as well as straw" when tested. Scripture says these people move into eternity “barely escaping through the flames.”

This has cipher to create alongside salvation, but it has everything to create alongside how nosotros alive out our faith.

“For nosotros must all seem earlier the judgment spot of Christ, then that each of us may have what is due us for the things done piece inward the body, whether expert or bad.” 2 Corinthians 5:10

Let’s cook alongside the correct materials, honey Christians.
(1) No 1 perfectly fulfills God’s purposes, but God rewards us according to our faithfulness or lack thereof. See Why Christians Still Face a Final Judgment

(2)  We must survive peculiarly cautious virtually pop teachings inward the church. Let's spend upward to cook our organized faith on "straw" beliefs virtually material prosperity, self-esteem, adherence to Old Testament lawsword of organized faith doctrine, or anything else that misuses Scripture.

s non missy the of import alert inward this passage virtually the means nosotros  Do you lot desire to merely barely escape?

Bible Love Notes