Thursday, January 30, 2014

More Useful To God

Sometimes the real quest at which nosotros laid out to  More Useful to God

There was a fourth dimension when my life went pretty smoothly, in addition to I had biblical "formulas" for all of life's problems.

It wasn't until I experienced chronic wellness problems, broken relationships, deep heartaches, in addition to scores of other challenges in addition to difficulties that I realized my pat answers weren't actually scriptural.

I was a genuine believer, only my faith was shallow in addition to untested. 

I began to wonder if my brokenness made me useless to God. After all, my life was no longer "picture-perfect."

In reality, I was becoming to a greater extent than useful. 

Something novel was happening to me. 

I was learning perseverance in addition to trust.

“The testing of your faith produces perseverance. Let perseverance terminate its locomote in addition to then that you lot may hold out mature in addition to complete, non lacking anything.”  James 1:3-4

I’m yet on that journey, failing at times, only persevering in addition to growing stronger spiritually. 

Christianity isn't a "formula faith." It's dynamic, alive, useful, mysterious, in addition to wondrous.

Formulas fail, only every regulation inwards Scripture tin sack hold out tested in addition to proven truthful (Proverbs 30:5). 

Sometimes the real quest at which nosotros laid out to  More Useful to God

Bible Love Notes