Monday, January 20, 2014

Manipulative Ideologies

Abortion advocates want to manipulate situations for their agenda Manipulative Ideologies

Kentucky latterly upheld a terra firma police line requiring that women endure given an ultrasound of their unborn little earlier deciding to bring an abortion.

A guess who opposed the police line said it was incorrect to “manipulate doctor-patient discourse exclusively for ideological reasons.”

Translation: It’s meliorate that women brand life-and-death decisions without amount noesis of what they’re doing.

We insist on amount disclosure for other medical procedures, merely this guess wanted it denied when an unborn little is involved. 

Who’s guilty of manipulating things for ideological reasons?

The unsaved globe ignores the truth close abortion, sexual immorality, atheism, paganism, in addition to materialism. 

They bring the proof, the evidence, in addition to the statistics that these things abort life instead of giving life. But they don’t desire to run across it (Romans 1:18-20).

As Christians, nosotros sometimes ignore the prove in addition to allow the globe manipulate us past times its ideology. 

Let’s brand certain nosotros become our facts from Scripture in addition to admit the living Christ inside us (Romans 12:2; 1 John 4:1). 
Quote: Court Upholds Pro-life Law.
What Scripture  Says close Abortion.
Sex Outside of Marriage - What Scripture Says
Atheism in addition to Other False Religions.
Pagan Influences.
Where's Your Bank.

Abortion advocates want to manipulate situations for their agenda Manipulative Ideologies

Bible Love Notes