Monday, January 27, 2014

The Spirit He, Non It

There are many misunderstandings close the 3rd fellow member of the Trinity The Spirit He, Not It

Sometimes people confuse the Spirit (He) amongst a spirit (it).

The Holy Spirit is non a force, feeling, attitude, or mystical experience. He is God, the 3rd fellow member of the Trinity. He is inseparable from the purposes in addition to graphic symbol of the Father in addition to Jesus.(1)

The Holy Spirit:

1. Was acquaint in addition to active inward creation - Genesis 1:1-2.

2. Spoke warnings through the prophets - Nehemiah 9:30

3. Is omnipresent - Psalm 139:7-10.

4. Convicts us of sin - John 16:8

5. Indwells believers  - Ephesians 1:13

6. Counsels, teaches in addition to reminds us of truth - John 14:26.

7. Helps us send godly "fruit" - Galatians 5:22-23

8. Brings unity amid Christians - 1 Corinthians 12:13.

9. Is grieved past times sin - Ephesians 4:30.

10. Glorifies Jesus in addition to the Father - John 16:13-15.

(1)  From Got Questions: The discussion for “Spirit” (pneuma) is neuter in addition to would naturally stimulate got neuter pronouns to stimulate got grammatical agreement. Yet, inward many cases, masculine pronouns are constitute (e.g., John 15:26; 16:13-14). Grammatically, at that spot is no other agency to empathize the pronouns of the New Testament related to the Holy Spirit—He is referred to equally a “He,” equally a person.

You powerfulness besides bask this 1-minute devotion close the Holy Spirit: Our Divine Translator.

There are many misunderstandings close the 3rd fellow member of the Trinity The Spirit He, Not It

Bible Love Notes