Monday, January 13, 2014

3 Questions Every Christian Must Answer

 ever trying to figure out Biblical concepts three Questions Every Christian Must Answer

I’m analytical.

Before I became a Christian, I wanted to accept God all figured out. But eventually, I set downwardly my questions in addition to followed my Savior. No looking back.

I’m even in addition to thus analytical. I love studying Scripture in addition to addressing hard questions.

Recently, after quite a flake of study, I remained confused nearly a Bible concept. I jokingly told my hubby I demand "The Bible for Dummies."(1)

Only afterward did I realize that such a mass exists.

Actually, God’s Word is already designed for dummies. I role “dummies” inward the dearest feel here, pregnant we're incapable of fully agreement our all-knowing, all-wise God.

We’re finite, express beings, even in addition to thus “putting off” our sinful nature (Ephesians 4:22-24). 

God is infinite, unlimited, in addition to perfect (Romans 11:33).

We’ll never fully empathize God. He’s also big. We’re also small. We’ll ever accept but about questions.(2)

That’s where faith comes inward (Hebrews 11:1):

1. Do I trust God’s grapheme (Psalm 145:17)? 
2. Do I trust Him amongst my unanswered questions (Job 38)? 
3. Do I trust that He’s given me all the agreement I demand (2 Peter 1:3)?

I do. 

Do you?

P.S. If you’re analytical similar me, mayhap you’ll bask 1 Corinthians 13:12 every bit much every bit I do.
(1) The "For Dummies" books are a serial of books that are supposed to assist people empathize complex or hard subjects. I'm non promoting this series, but mentioning it. 
(2) There are also a groovy many things nearly God nosotros tin move discover, in addition to they assist us alive to a greater extent than fully in addition to contentedly every bit believers. So, fifty-fifty though nosotros won't fully empathize every aspect of the gospel, nosotros should even in addition to thus larn far our finish to hold upward Life-long Students of Jesus.

 ever trying to figure out Biblical concepts three Questions Every Christian Must Answer

Bible Love Notes