Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Beware Of Hyper-Grace Teachings

 then who are nosotros to gauge the homosexual whatsoever differently than the gossip Beware of Hyper-Grace Teachings

If yous haven’t heard the advert hyper-grace, you’ve in all likelihood heard some of its errors.

It’s a “feel-good-about-yourself” didactics amongst these beliefs:(1)

1. God forgives my sins, past, introduce too future, then I don’t postulate to repent.

2. When God looks at me, He sees Christ’s righteousness, non my sins.

3. All sins are the same inwards God’s eyes, then who are nosotros to gauge the homosexual whatsoever differently than the gossip?

4. In fact, it’s non our house to gauge anyone.

5. God has no commands for Christians because nosotros aren’t nether the law.

6. The Holy Spirit encourages Christians. He doesn’t convict them of sin.

7. God’s dearest has absolutely no conditions.

These simulated statements are repeated then oftentimes that genuine Christians are accepting them. 

The exclusively means to protect ourselves from these or whatsoever other simulated didactics is to carefully written report God’s Word.

Grace isn’t grace unless it is accompanied past times truth (John 1:17). 


(1) Not all hyper-grace teachers back upwardly all of these seven doctrines. They may mix too match.  

See below what Scripture says:   

1. Repentance is commanded inwards Scripture, too non but at the betoken of salvation (A Common Misunderstanding near Love too the Bible Love Notes Repentance Archive.

2. We function into sky based on Christ’s righteousness, but hither on earth, our all-knowing God sees our sins, rebukes us, calls us to repent, disciplines, too instructs us (Does He Only See Jesus?

3. Sins are equal inwards certainly ways too unequal inwards others. God does non hold off at a child’s irresponsibility the same means He looks at rape. See Does God View All Sins the Same for multiple Scripture references refuting this hyper-grace belief.

4. See the Misunderstandings About Judgment Archive, peculiarly the Scripture-packed postal service called How, Who, too What to Judge According to Scripture.

5. Christians must live on serious too responsible near their maturity inwards Christ (Works is Not a Dirty Word.

6. The Holy Spirit convicts us of sin too grieves when nosotros sin (Can You Grieve Him?

7. Salvation is the greatest human activeness of God’s dearest too it has an undeniable condition. It is given exclusively to those who believe (God’s Love is Better than Unconditional.

 then who are nosotros to gauge the homosexual whatsoever differently than the gossip Beware of Hyper-Grace Teachings

Bible Love Notes