Friday, January 31, 2014

Hang Inward There!

Are you lot dealing alongside a temporary lawsuit or a lifelong challenge  Hang inwards There!

Are you lot dealing alongside a temporary lawsuit or a lifelong challenge … a work inwards relationships, finances, career, or health?

Consider these 3 principles from Hebrews 12:1-2:  

Therefore, since nosotros are surrounded past times such a dandy cloud of witnesses, allow us throw off everything that hinders as well as the sin that as well as then easily entangles. And allow us piece of work alongside perseverance the race marked out for us, fixing our eyes on Jesus, the pioneer as well as perfecter of faith.

1. Remember the illustration of other believers ("a dandy cloud of witnesses") who persevered inwards difficult times. Imagine them cheering you lot on as well as giving you lot promise that you lot tin produce the same.

If you're tempted to give up, recite 1 Corinthians 10:13.

2. Get rid of sins as well as distractions ("everything that hinders as well as the sin that as well as then easily entangles"), having a single-minded role to serve Christ no thing what. 

Memorize Philippians 3:12.

3. Focus on Jesus ("the pioneer, author, source, champion, perfecter, as well as finisher of our faith."), gaining forcefulness from His illustration as well as ability from His Spirit.

Remember your source of forcefulness (Philippians 4:13).
Did you lot know that Bible Love Notes has an archive of 1-minute devotions To Encourage the Discouraged?

Are you lot dealing alongside a temporary lawsuit or a lifelong challenge  Hang inwards There!

Bible Love Notes

Thursday, January 30, 2014

More Useful To God

Sometimes the real quest at which nosotros laid out to  More Useful to God

There was a fourth dimension when my life went pretty smoothly, in addition to I had biblical "formulas" for all of life's problems.

It wasn't until I experienced chronic wellness problems, broken relationships, deep heartaches, in addition to scores of other challenges in addition to difficulties that I realized my pat answers weren't actually scriptural.

I was a genuine believer, only my faith was shallow in addition to untested. 

I began to wonder if my brokenness made me useless to God. After all, my life was no longer "picture-perfect."

In reality, I was becoming to a greater extent than useful. 

Something novel was happening to me. 

I was learning perseverance in addition to trust.

“The testing of your faith produces perseverance. Let perseverance terminate its locomote in addition to then that you lot may hold out mature in addition to complete, non lacking anything.”  James 1:3-4

I’m yet on that journey, failing at times, only persevering in addition to growing stronger spiritually. 

Christianity isn't a "formula faith." It's dynamic, alive, useful, mysterious, in addition to wondrous.

Formulas fail, only every regulation inwards Scripture tin sack hold out tested in addition to proven truthful (Proverbs 30:5). 

Sometimes the real quest at which nosotros laid out to  More Useful to God

Bible Love Notes

Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Believing Both Verses

Some people intend Christianity is a passive religious belief Believing Both Verses

Over 40 years ago, equally a novel Christian, I think 2 events that taught me near Philippians 2:12-13:

12 Continue to function out your salvation amongst fright as well as trembling, 13 for it is God who plant inwards yous to volition as well as to human activity inwards fellowship to fulfill his skillful purpose.”

At a ladies' Bible report a adult woman explained that she would quit chain-smoking when/if God took away the desire, because exclusively He could alter her.(1)

She believed poesy 13.

A few months after a Christian friend shared how difficult it was to halt smoking, merely amongst God's help, he persevered as well as did it.

He knew that God could alter him, merely he also understood that he had an obligation to resist sin (Romans 8:12).

This human being believed both poesy 12 as well as 13. 

Do yous believe both verses?

Are yous willing to brand sacrifices inwards fellowship to overcome sin inwards your life? (Romans 12:1-2). 
(1) Can God conduct maintain away an ungodly wishing without whatever essay on our part? Of course! He tin as well as does at times. Does He hope to produce this? No. 

For 2 practical ways to assistance inwards your battle against sin, come across I Can't Change as well as Set Your Alarm.

Some people intend Christianity is a passive religious belief Believing Both Verses
Why non banking enterprise agree out today's Bite Size Bible Study amongst full-text Scripture passages, helpful resources, as well as practical ideas for overcoming sin. 

Some people intend Christianity is a passive religious belief Believing Both Verses

Bible Love Notes

Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Transformation, Non Information

The Bible was non given for our information merely for our transformation Transformation, Not Information

“The Bible was non given for our information merely for our transformation.” ― D.L. Moody 

Scripture is to a greater extent than than facts together with figures. 

“All Scripture is God-breathed together with is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting together with preparation inwards righteousness, together with thence that the retainer of God may hold upwardly thoroughly equipped for every expert work.” 2 Timothy 3:16-17

Even the narratives inwards Scripture are given equally examples together with warnings (1 Corinthians 10:11).

When nosotros realize God's Word is business office of His beloved for us, we'll long to read, study, together with obey it's message, commands, principles, together with precepts.(1)

We'll non solely read together with report the words of the Bible, we'll obey them together with thence that nosotros never larn self-deceived (James 1:22-25). We'll allow Scripture transform our minds together with thence nosotros tin sympathise God’s good, pleasing, together with perfect volition (Romans 12:2).

God’s written words are non similar whatever other written words. They’re hold upwardly together with able to approximate our thoughts together with attitudes (Hebrews 4:12).

How are y'all letting God's Word transform your pump together with mind? I encourage y'all to arrive a priority.
(1) The psalmist understood that God's Word is an facial expression of His love. We request this same understanding: Psalm 119: 64, 88, 124, 149, 159
Did y'all know that Bible Love Notes has an archive of 1-minute devotions virtually God's Word? You tin uncovering a devotion comparison God's Word to Dark Chocolate, together with about other revealing President Thomas Jefferson's disrespect for God's Word. I pray that these 1-minute devotions volition encourage y'all to hold upwardly transformed past times God's wonderful Word! 💗

The Bible was non given for our information merely for our transformation Transformation, Not Information

Bible Love Notes

Monday, January 27, 2014

The Spirit He, Non It

There are many misunderstandings close the 3rd fellow member of the Trinity The Spirit He, Not It

Sometimes people confuse the Spirit (He) amongst a spirit (it).

The Holy Spirit is non a force, feeling, attitude, or mystical experience. He is God, the 3rd fellow member of the Trinity. He is inseparable from the purposes in addition to graphic symbol of the Father in addition to Jesus.(1)

The Holy Spirit:

1. Was acquaint in addition to active inward creation - Genesis 1:1-2.

2. Spoke warnings through the prophets - Nehemiah 9:30

3. Is omnipresent - Psalm 139:7-10.

4. Convicts us of sin - John 16:8

5. Indwells believers  - Ephesians 1:13

6. Counsels, teaches in addition to reminds us of truth - John 14:26.

7. Helps us send godly "fruit" - Galatians 5:22-23

8. Brings unity amid Christians - 1 Corinthians 12:13.

9. Is grieved past times sin - Ephesians 4:30.

10. Glorifies Jesus in addition to the Father - John 16:13-15.

(1)  From Got Questions: The discussion for “Spirit” (pneuma) is neuter in addition to would naturally stimulate got neuter pronouns to stimulate got grammatical agreement. Yet, inward many cases, masculine pronouns are constitute (e.g., John 15:26; 16:13-14). Grammatically, at that spot is no other agency to empathize the pronouns of the New Testament related to the Holy Spirit—He is referred to equally a “He,” equally a person.

You powerfulness besides bask this 1-minute devotion close the Holy Spirit: Our Divine Translator.

There are many misunderstandings close the 3rd fellow member of the Trinity The Spirit He, Not It

Bible Love Notes

Sunday, January 26, 2014

Do You Lot Desire To Only Barely Escape?

s non missy the of import alert inward this passage virtually the means nosotros  Do you lot desire to merely barely escape?

All genuine Christians “build” on the foundation of Christ. It’s role of “working out our salvation” (Philippians 2:12-13). 

Some believers cook carefully, deliberately, as well as wholeheartedly, focusing on heavenly treasure as well as God's purposes (Philippians 3:12-16; Matthew 6:19-21; Ephesians 2:10).  

They're guided past times the accurate pedagogy of Scripture (1 Timothy 4:16)

According to 1 Corinthians 3:10-15, they are edifice alongside “gold, silver, as well as costly stones” as well as yielding eternal rewards.(1) 

Other Christians truly believe inward Jesus, but they larn sidetracked alongside faux teaching.(2)

They pursue empty, legalistic, or selfish "Christian" teachings, all of which give notice similar "wood, hay, as well as straw" when tested. Scripture says these people move into eternity “barely escaping through the flames.”

This has cipher to create alongside salvation, but it has everything to create alongside how nosotros alive out our faith.

“For nosotros must all seem earlier the judgment spot of Christ, then that each of us may have what is due us for the things done piece inward the body, whether expert or bad.” 2 Corinthians 5:10

Let’s cook alongside the correct materials, honey Christians.
(1) No 1 perfectly fulfills God’s purposes, but God rewards us according to our faithfulness or lack thereof. See Why Christians Still Face a Final Judgment

(2)  We must survive peculiarly cautious virtually pop teachings inward the church. Let's spend upward to cook our organized faith on "straw" beliefs virtually material prosperity, self-esteem, adherence to Old Testament lawsword of organized faith doctrine, or anything else that misuses Scripture.

s non missy the of import alert inward this passage virtually the means nosotros  Do you lot desire to merely barely escape?

Bible Love Notes

Saturday, January 25, 2014

When To Struggle In Addition To When To Move Still

Sometimes God expects us to grapple the expert grapple together with sometimes he expects us to create somethi When to Fight together with When to last Still

In Exodus 14, the Israelites were panic-stricken. They were certain the approaching Egyptians would kill them. There was zip they could do.

Moses gave them these commands (verses 13-14):
1. Do non last afraid. 
2. Stand firm.
3. You need entirely to last still.

We know the residual of their story. They walked across the Red Sea on dry out ground.

Sometimes, similar the Israelites, our organized religious belief is nether gear upwards on together with there's zip nosotros tin do. During those times, nosotros should:

1. Refuse to last afraid.
Trust God's presence (Isaiah 41:10).

2. Stand firm.
Trust God's unseen purposes (Hebrews 11:1).

3. Be still.
Trust God's abilities, non our ain (Psalm 37:7; Psalm 40:1; Psalm 46:10; Lamentations 3:26). 

The fundamental is institute inwards poesy 14: "The Lord himself volition grapple for you."

Many situations require our active interest together with nosotros must obey God's ascendency to grapple the expert grapple (1 Timothy 6:12). Other times nosotros should bargain amongst our fears, concur tight to our faith, last still, together with allow God create the fighting.

Dear Lord, give us wisdom to know when to grapple together with when to last still. 

Sometimes God expects us to grapple the expert grapple together with sometimes he expects us to create somethi When to Fight together with When to last Still

Bible Love Notes

Friday, January 24, 2014

A Bully Crowd Cheering Us On

Paul talks virtually the cost he in addition to others convey paid for organized faith H5N1 Great Crowd Cheering Us On

In 1 Corinthians 4:9, Paul says, “God has position us apostles on display at the terminate of the procession, similar those condemned to perish inwards the arena.”

The Corinthians were familiar amongst Roman arenas. First-round gladiators were armed to defend themselves. But after inwards the solar daytime (“at the terminate of the procession”), criminals in addition to captured enemies were forced to come inwards the arena naked in addition to unarmed to live on brutally attacked yesteryear wild beasts or armed opponents.

It’s well for yous to recall those who’ve been persecuted for their faith. They are the “great cloud of witnesses” cheering us on (Hebrews 12:1-4).

They challenge, inspire, in addition to encourage us to stand upwards firm, reminding us that “those who endure according to God's volition should commit themselves to their faithful Creator in addition to maintain to produce good” (1 Peter 4:19).

Our persecutions are small-scale inwards comparison, simply the pressures are growing: blatant immorality, deceptive heathen influences, tempting materialism, in addition to unsafe narcissism.

Blessed are those willing to stand upwards theatre in addition to live on persecuted for righteousness sake (Matthew 5:10).
For additional encouragement:
Right is Right
Pagan Influences
Where's Your Bank?
How to Spot a Narcissist

Paul talks virtually the cost he in addition to others convey paid for organized faith H5N1 Great Crowd Cheering Us On

Bible Love Notes

Thursday, January 23, 2014

Paul's Advice When Slandered

Have y'all always been defendant of something y'all didn Paul's Advice When Slandered

Have y'all always been defendant of something y'all didn’t do? The Apostle Paul had this occupation (Philippians 1:15-18; 2 Timothy 4:14). No wonder God inspired him to write 1 Corinthians 4:1-5.

Paul says nosotros shouldn't trust the opinions of others, nor should nosotros trust our ain opinions. But nosotros tin give the sack trust God's judgments fifty-fifty though unopen to night secrets as well as someone motives volition non last fully revealed until Christ comes again. 

We tin give the sack apply this wisdom to our lives by:

1. Keeping a clear conscience, non trusting ourselves, merely trusting God’s guidance as well as correction inwards His Word (2 Timothy 3:16).

2. Resting inwards God’s blessing as well as comfort when someone falsely accuses us or distorts situations to brand us await bad (2 Corinthians 1:3-5).

3. Refusing to convey unsubstantiated claims virtually others (Psalm 17:4). 

Slander hurts us, merely let's non permit it disable us. We must “not dice weary inwards doing good, for at the proper fourth dimension nosotros volition reap a harvest if nosotros produce non give up” (Galatians 6:9).

Have y'all always been defendant of something y'all didn Paul's Advice When Slandered

Bible Love Notes

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Not Words, Power

minute devotion encourages us to grasp the ability of our organized faith Not Words, Power

I dearest 1 Corinthians 4:20: “For the Kingdom of God is non precisely a lot of talk; it is living yesteryear God’s power.”

You see, Christianity is living what nosotros believe, non but talking virtually it. 

minute devotion encourages us to grasp the ability of our organized faith Not Words, Power
Journal it: Creative Bible Journaling
God's Word is non just a lot of talk. It's “alive as well as active. (Hebrews 4:12).

When nosotros speak it as well as pray it as well as memorize as well as written report it, nosotros pick out to a greater extent than than words into our lives. nosotros pick out power.(1)

There's ability inwards obeying it. 
“Whoever looks intently into the perfect constabulary that gives freedom, as well as continues inwards it--not forgetting what they accept heard, but doing it--they volition locomote blessed inwards what they do.” James 1:25

You as well as I are express inwards our ain power, but God empowers us alongside His forcefulness when nosotros try His will. We tin create all things through Christ who gives us forcefulness (Philippians 4:13).

Our organized faith gives us God's “immeasurable as well as unlimited” ability to transform our hearts, minds, as well as lives (Ephesians 1:18-21). 

Let's locomote inwards that power!
(1) Do y'all postulate ability overcoming a sin? See I Can't Change.

minute devotion encourages us to grasp the ability of our organized faith Not Words, Power

Bible Love Notes

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Beware Of Hyper-Grace Teachings

 then who are nosotros to gauge the homosexual whatsoever differently than the gossip Beware of Hyper-Grace Teachings

If yous haven’t heard the advert hyper-grace, you’ve in all likelihood heard some of its errors.

It’s a “feel-good-about-yourself” didactics amongst these beliefs:(1)

1. God forgives my sins, past, introduce too future, then I don’t postulate to repent.

2. When God looks at me, He sees Christ’s righteousness, non my sins.

3. All sins are the same inwards God’s eyes, then who are nosotros to gauge the homosexual whatsoever differently than the gossip?

4. In fact, it’s non our house to gauge anyone.

5. God has no commands for Christians because nosotros aren’t nether the law.

6. The Holy Spirit encourages Christians. He doesn’t convict them of sin.

7. God’s dearest has absolutely no conditions.

These simulated statements are repeated then oftentimes that genuine Christians are accepting them. 

The exclusively means to protect ourselves from these or whatsoever other simulated didactics is to carefully written report God’s Word.

Grace isn’t grace unless it is accompanied past times truth (John 1:17). 


(1) Not all hyper-grace teachers back upwardly all of these seven doctrines. They may mix too match.  

See below what Scripture says:   

1. Repentance is commanded inwards Scripture, too non but at the betoken of salvation (A Common Misunderstanding near Love too the Bible Love Notes Repentance Archive.

2. We function into sky based on Christ’s righteousness, but hither on earth, our all-knowing God sees our sins, rebukes us, calls us to repent, disciplines, too instructs us (Does He Only See Jesus?

3. Sins are equal inwards certainly ways too unequal inwards others. God does non hold off at a child’s irresponsibility the same means He looks at rape. See Does God View All Sins the Same for multiple Scripture references refuting this hyper-grace belief.

4. See the Misunderstandings About Judgment Archive, peculiarly the Scripture-packed postal service called How, Who, too What to Judge According to Scripture.

5. Christians must live on serious too responsible near their maturity inwards Christ (Works is Not a Dirty Word.

6. The Holy Spirit convicts us of sin too grieves when nosotros sin (Can You Grieve Him?

7. Salvation is the greatest human activeness of God’s dearest too it has an undeniable condition. It is given exclusively to those who believe (God’s Love is Better than Unconditional.

 then who are nosotros to gauge the homosexual whatsoever differently than the gossip Beware of Hyper-Grace Teachings

Bible Love Notes

Monday, January 20, 2014

Manipulative Ideologies

Abortion advocates want to manipulate situations for their agenda Manipulative Ideologies

Kentucky latterly upheld a terra firma police line requiring that women endure given an ultrasound of their unborn little earlier deciding to bring an abortion.

A guess who opposed the police line said it was incorrect to “manipulate doctor-patient discourse exclusively for ideological reasons.”

Translation: It’s meliorate that women brand life-and-death decisions without amount noesis of what they’re doing.

We insist on amount disclosure for other medical procedures, merely this guess wanted it denied when an unborn little is involved. 

Who’s guilty of manipulating things for ideological reasons?

The unsaved globe ignores the truth close abortion, sexual immorality, atheism, paganism, in addition to materialism. 

They bring the proof, the evidence, in addition to the statistics that these things abort life instead of giving life. But they don’t desire to run across it (Romans 1:18-20).

As Christians, nosotros sometimes ignore the prove in addition to allow the globe manipulate us past times its ideology. 

Let’s brand certain nosotros become our facts from Scripture in addition to admit the living Christ inside us (Romans 12:2; 1 John 4:1). 
Quote: Court Upholds Pro-life Law.
What Scripture  Says close Abortion.
Sex Outside of Marriage - What Scripture Says
Atheism in addition to Other False Religions.
Pagan Influences.
Where's Your Bank.

Abortion advocates want to manipulate situations for their agenda Manipulative Ideologies

Bible Love Notes

Sunday, January 19, 2014

Does God Alter His Mind: Nineveh

 only the even out of Jonah together with Nineveh seems to hold upward a contradiction Does God Change His Mind: Nineveh

God knows what volition occur earlier it happens. He sees the large picture. He has no argue to alter His mind.

“God is non a man, that He should lie, nor a boy of man, that He should alter His mind.” Numbers 23:19

However, the even out of Jonah seems to hold upward a contradiction to this truth. God said He’d destroy Nineveh, only He "relented" together with didn't destroy them (Jonah 3:10).(1)

However, if nosotros accept a closer await nosotros realize He didn't actually alter His hear because this type of alarm has weather explained inward Jeremiah 18:7-8:

"If at whatsoever fourth dimension I denote that a acre or kingdom is to hold upward uprooted, torn downwards together with destroyed, together with if that acre I warned repents of its evil, thus I volition relent together with non inflict on it the disaster I had planned."

God would receive got carried out His excogitation to destroy an unrepentant Nineveh.

But the Ninevites repented together with the alarm no longer applied to them. They became recipients of God's unchanging hope to forgive together with present mercy to those who plough to Him.

In similar manner, God warns every human being together with adult woman that nosotros volition instruct to hell because we've all sinned together with “the reward of sin is death” (Romans 3:23; Romans 6:23).

But when nosotros repent together with plough to Christ, that alarm no longer applies (John 3:16). 

God doesn't alter His mind. His wrath against the wicked stands theater (John 3:36). But His mercy toward the believer every mo good stands firm.

Depend on it!
(1) Do you lot know why Jonah tried to piece of occupation away? See Jonah 4:2

 only the even out of Jonah together with Nineveh seems to hold upward a contradiction Does God Change His Mind: Nineveh

Bible Love Notes

Saturday, January 18, 2014

God's Persuasion Of Racism

 Proofs that God loves all races too nations God's View of Racism

God laid State of Israel apart too commanded her non to mingle or intermarry alongside foreigners (Ezra 9). 

Does this hateful God is a racist?


God laid State of Israel apart from heathen nations to fix her for bringing the gospel to all mankind (Genesis 18:18).(1)

From get-go to end, God makes it clear that racism is wrong:

1. God expected the Israelites to process foreigners humanely, demanding they non mistreat, oppress, or deprive foreigners of jurist (Leviticus 19:10; Deuteronomy 10:17-19Jeremiah 22:3; Zechariah 7:10; Malachi 3:5).

2. In the Old Testament, God guaranteed amount privileges to whatever foreigner who followed Him (Isaiah 56:3-7).

3. Jesus commands us to preach His gospel to all nations (Matthew 28:19).

4. In Acts 8, God miraculously sent Philip to percentage the gospel alongside a dark homo who became ane of the early on converts to Christianity (read more).

5. God promises that sky volition include people from “every nation, tribe, people too language” (Revelation 7:9).

There is no uncertainty that God loves people of every color, country, ethnicity, too race.
(1) God made it clear that the Old Testament separation of the Jews ended alongside Christ (Acts 10:28; Romans 2:9-11; Galatians 3:28). 

You powerfulness inquire why God told State of Israel to completely destroy roughly unusual nations. That's a skilful question. They were destroyed when they reached a indicate of no supply inwards their degree of evil. See Why did God destroy entire nations? too The Timing of God's Punishments.
We besides require to retrieve that God sent Assyrian too Babylonian oppressors against State of Israel when the Israelites became ungodly. And God spared evil nations when they repented. See Did God Change His Mind About Nineveh?

 Proofs that God loves all races too nations God's View of Racism

Bible Love Notes

Friday, January 17, 2014

Is It A Sin?

 Ways to estimate direct non specifically mentioned inward Scripture Is It a Sin?

If something is condemned inward the Bible, it’s wrong. But Scripture doesn't specifically cite every shape of murder, pride, lust, etc.

So hither are vii ways to estimate direct non specifically mentioned inward Scripture:

1. Does it violate a biblical principle?
If it violates whatsoever regulation inward Scripture, it's incorrect fifty-fifty if it's non specifically mentioned. For example, abortion (See What Scripture Says About Abortion).

2. Does this action quest lack of self-control? Is it addictive or controlling?
Most ungodly direct involves lack of self-control as well as tin Pb to addictions or obsessions.
Galatians 5:22-23
1 Corinthians 6:12 
2 Peter 2:19 

3. Does the action produce physical terms to body, soul, or spirit?
1 Corinthians 3:16-17
1 Corinthians 6:19-20

4. Does the action terms others?
Matthew 7:12
Romans 13:10

5. Is in that place whatsoever positive produce goodness inward the activity?
1 Corinthians 10:31
1 Corinthians 10:23

6. Is it interfering amongst our walk amongst the Lord?
Romans 12:1-2
1 Corinthians 15:33

7. Is it legal?(1)
Romans 13:1
(1)Please note: God does non approve of everything that is legal. Nor should nosotros obey laws that campaign us to disobey God's laws. For to a greater extent than on this:God Wins all Wrestling Matches.

I encourage you lot to banking concern tally out today's Bite Size Study for full-text Scriptures likewise every bit additional questions, insights, as well as resources.

 Ways to estimate direct non specifically mentioned inward Scripture Is It a Sin?

Bible Love Notes

Thursday, January 16, 2014

A Pocket-Size Seed Of Rebellion

Sometimes a pocket-sized seed of rebellion left unchecked grows into a vine that completely destr Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 Small Seed of Rebellion

Thirty years ago, a professing Christian told me she’d psyche to her favorite singing grouping “even if God said it was wrong.” 

I’m non certain if her music choice was sinful, simply her mental attitude was.

I was shocked 15 years subsequently when this adult woman unashamedly quit manage church building in addition to got involved inwards immorality.

But I shouldn’t convey been surprised.

The seed of her rebellion was acquaint inwards that controversy she'd made then many years earlier.

When nosotros read God’s ascendance against worshiping other gods (Exodus 20:3), nosotros typically mean value of infidel gods. But anything nosotros select over God is an idol.

Christians sin, simply nosotros don't wishing to. We wishing to deny ourselves for Christ's sake (Matthew 16:24).

If there’s anything nosotros spend upward to hand upward for Christ, we're headed downward a unsafe path. Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 pocket-sized seed of rebellion left unchecked volition grow into thorns that choke out our faith.(1)

Are you lot doing something that God forbids? Please repent, dearest Christian!
(1) The Parable of the Sower describes "thorns" equally worries well-nigh this life in addition to worldly desires such equally desires for wealth in addition to pleasance (Mark 4:19; Luke 8:14). When Christ says approximately people run out unfruitful because these thorns of life choke the seed planted inwards them, is He talking well-nigh saved or unsaved people? Scripture does non brand this completely clear, simply our wishing should move to hand God our best, non our least.

Sometimes a pocket-sized seed of rebellion left unchecked grows into a vine that completely destr Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 Small Seed of Rebellion

Bible Love Notes

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Keeping Picket Amongst Jesus

 Jesus asked the disciples to exercise something as well as they refused Keeping Watch amongst Jesus

“My mortal is crushed amongst grief to the indicate of death. Stay hither as well as keep scout amongst me.” Jesus, Matthew 26:38

When we’re suffering, stressed, grieved, depressed, or discouraged, nosotros should recite this poesy as well as ponder what Christ suffered for us.

Our perfect Lord was “crushed amongst grief” to the indicate where it nigh killed Him.

“Being inwards anguish, he prayed to a greater extent than earnestly, as well as his travail was similar drops of blood falling to the ground.” Luke 22:44

It’s interesting that Luke, the physician, records this phenomenon called Hematidrosis

Knowing He would endure separated from His Father as well as held responsible for the sins of the footing caused tiny blood vessels to intermission inwards Christ's body, squeezing blood out of the travail glands as well as pilus follicles. Our Lord suffered equally a man.

Christ asked the disciples to "keep watch" during His fourth dimension of need, exactly they brutal asleep.(1)

Christ equally good asks us to "keep watch" ... to endure busy amongst His run until He returns (Matthew 25:13; Mark 13:33).

Let's non autumn asleep!
(1) When I read that the disciples brutal asleep, it makes me sad. But I realize that they did non fully sympathise what was going to hap to Christ, nor did they convey God's Spirit living inwards them because the Holy Spirit had non been given nevertheless (Acts 1:8). But nosotros convey God's Spirit as well as nosotros sympathise the importance of what Christ accomplished on the cross. So let's "keep watch," honey Christians.

 Jesus asked the disciples to exercise something as well as they refused Keeping Watch amongst Jesus

Bible Love Notes

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Stubbornly Wrong

Studies demo around disturbing things close human stubbornness as well as they motility serious proble Stubbornly Wrong

half-truths as well as distorted views of Scripture (e.g. the misuse of "Judge Not").
2. Promote unsubstantiated claims close Bible translations.
3. Excuse pagan involvement.
4. Support pop false teachers.
5. Misuse Scripture to promote cultural errors.

It makes us proud, foolish, as well as unteachable.

"The agency of fools seems right to them, merely the wise heed to advice." Proverbs 12:15

If a thought, theory, idea, teaching, philosophy, or behaviour contradicts Scripture, it's wrong. Period.

The Bible is God's "opinion" as well as His persuasion is ever the right i so:

“Do your best to acquaint yourself to God equally i approved, a worker who does non require to endure ashamed as well as who correctly handles the give-and-take of truth.” 2 Timothy 2:15

Studies demo around disturbing things close human stubbornness as well as they motility serious proble Stubbornly Wrong

Bible Love Notes

Monday, January 13, 2014

3 Questions Every Christian Must Answer

 ever trying to figure out Biblical concepts three Questions Every Christian Must Answer

I’m analytical.

Before I became a Christian, I wanted to accept God all figured out. But eventually, I set downwardly my questions in addition to followed my Savior. No looking back.

I’m even in addition to thus analytical. I love studying Scripture in addition to addressing hard questions.

Recently, after quite a flake of study, I remained confused nearly a Bible concept. I jokingly told my hubby I demand "The Bible for Dummies."(1)

Only afterward did I realize that such a mass exists.

Actually, God’s Word is already designed for dummies. I role “dummies” inward the dearest feel here, pregnant we're incapable of fully agreement our all-knowing, all-wise God.

We’re finite, express beings, even in addition to thus “putting off” our sinful nature (Ephesians 4:22-24). 

God is infinite, unlimited, in addition to perfect (Romans 11:33).

We’ll never fully empathize God. He’s also big. We’re also small. We’ll ever accept but about questions.(2)

That’s where faith comes inward (Hebrews 11:1):

1. Do I trust God’s grapheme (Psalm 145:17)? 
2. Do I trust Him amongst my unanswered questions (Job 38)? 
3. Do I trust that He’s given me all the agreement I demand (2 Peter 1:3)?

I do. 

Do you?

P.S. If you’re analytical similar me, mayhap you’ll bask 1 Corinthians 13:12 every bit much every bit I do.
(1) The "For Dummies" books are a serial of books that are supposed to assist people empathize complex or hard subjects. I'm non promoting this series, but mentioning it. 
(2) There are also a groovy many things nearly God nosotros tin move discover, in addition to they assist us alive to a greater extent than fully in addition to contentedly every bit believers. So, fifty-fifty though nosotros won't fully empathize every aspect of the gospel, nosotros should even in addition to thus larn far our finish to hold upward Life-long Students of Jesus.

 ever trying to figure out Biblical concepts three Questions Every Christian Must Answer

Bible Love Notes

Sunday, January 12, 2014

Does God Modify His Mind: Hezekiah

 but He seems to convey changed his remove heed when he gave Hezekiah  Does God Change His Mind: Hezekiah
This is the minute inwards the "Does God Change His Mind?" series.

There’s a divergence betwixt a contradiction as well as a mystery. 

Nothing virtually God is contradictory, as well as much virtually God tin hold upwards known. But in that location are likewise things virtually God that rest a mystery to us.(1)

For example: “Does God modify His mind?” 

Numbers 23:19 says God doesn’t modify his mind.

But inwards Isaiah 38, God tells the proficient manful somebody monarch Hezekiah to lay things inwards social club because he's going to die. Then Hezekiah prays as well as God "changes his mind," giving Hezekiah xv to a greater extent than years.

God lives exterior time. He knew he'd reply Hezekiah's prayer earlier Hezekiah prayed it. He exclusively "changed His mind" inwards our express framework of time.

A contradiction? No.

A mystery? Yes.

Some believe God was highlighting the importance of prayer.

I am to a greater extent than inclined to believe God was showing us His perfect volition is improve than His permissive will.(2)

In the remaining xv years of his life, Hezekiah made proud as well as foolish decisions (Isaiah 39) as well as fathered Manasseh, the most evil manful somebody monarch State of Israel always knew.(3)

Hezekiah could convey died amongst a proficient record, but he didn’t.

There are no contradictions inwards God's grapheme as well as actions, but in that location are many layers of truth as well as mystery inwards them.

(1) See If Understanding God Were Easy and Are You Uncomfortable amongst Mystery?

(2) God responds to selfish requests several other places inwards Scripture. He gives meat (quail) to the complaining Israelites (Numbers 11). Read more: Quail. He answered Israel's asking for a manful somebody monarch when it wasn't His perfect timing (1 Samuel 8). Read more: A King.

(3) This does non hateful nosotros shouldn't pray for healing. Hezekiah's province of affairs was unique. God specifically told him that it was his fourth dimension to die, but Hezekiah prayed for to a greater extent than years of life. Read more: Hezekiah.

Don't missy the other devotions inwards this series:
Does God Change His Mind: Nineveh

 but He seems to convey changed his remove heed when he gave Hezekiah  Does God Change His Mind: Hezekiah

Bible Love Notes