Sunday, November 29, 2020

Pot Or Potter?

minute devotion challenges us alongside an of import query Pot or Potter?

"Only if your God tin ship away state things that upset yous volition yous know yous convey a existent God in addition to non merely a creation of your imagination." Timothy Keller

When I became a Christ-follower, He upset my lifestyle, cleaning out my bookcase, my thoughts, my speech communication in addition to my heart. The procedure was difficult in addition to wonderful in addition to continues to this day.

Many people are unchanged yesteryear their god because he's a creation of their imagination. Their god changes according to pop opinion, has no expectations, no commands, in addition to no righteous justice.

But no ane changes the Living God. He changes us (Isaiah 29:16; Isaiah 64:8).

"In reckon of God’s mercy ...offer your bodies every bit a living sacrifice, holy in addition to pleasing to God ... Do non adjust to the blueprint of this world, but move transformed yesteryear the renewing of your mind. Then yous volition move able to exam in addition to approve what God’s volition is—his good, pleasing in addition to perfect will." Romans 12:1-2

I am in addition to hence grateful He changes me in addition to I can't alter Him.

minute devotion challenges us alongside an of import query Pot or Potter?
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minute devotion challenges us alongside an of import query Pot or Potter?