Monday, November 23, 2020

Flags Or People?

No affair what the Confederate flag agency to you lot Flags or People?

I convey a friend, a sis inward Christ, a kindred spirit. Her refer is Peggie together with she's African-American. 

I'm white.

We've talked nearly deep things together. 

Because I dearest my friend, I wound when she hurts together with rejoice when she rejoices (Romans 12:15).

So when I ask heed Christians defending the Confederate flag, I hurt. 

I've read Confederate documents* together with they unanimously together with unashamedly back upward the slavery of Peggie's ancestors. 

Even if the Confederate flag agency something dissimilar to you, the secession papers prove the Confederacy was strongly committed to slavery.

From the 1860's when the Confederate United States of America claimed their correct to ain Peggie's nifty grandparents, to the 1960's when SC raised the flag to oppose integration, to 2015 when the Charleston murderer honored the flag, it's been intimately associated alongside racism.

Even if you lot aren't racist, the flag's racist symbolism cannot survive denied.

I alive inward the South together with regularly ask heed Christians defend the flag. Even though I avoid political issues inward my devotions, I believe this is a spiritual issue, together with I'm compelled to speak. 

God commands us to regard the feelings of others higher upward our ain (Philippians 2:3-4; Romans 15:2-3)He commands us to dissever from anything questionable or ungodly (Ephesians 5:8-21) together with thus nosotros don't discredit our witness (2 Corinthians 6:3).

Dear Christians, nosotros must dearest people to a greater extent than than flags. Please quit defending a symbol that together with thus deeply hurts the hearts of others.

No affair what the Confederate flag agency to you lot Flags or People?

* If you've never studied Confederate documents, run across a sampling below. This is non Union propaganda. These are the documents of the Confederacy, clearly defining their principal argue for secession every bit slavery. And these are non the alone Confederate documents that brand this point. They are simply a sampling. 

Texas Secession Papers  This document states that the confederacy assures the "servitude of the African to the white race." 
SC Secession Papers  This document states that the states' correct SC wishes to protect is their correct to ain human beings because "slavery is inward the course of written report of ultimate extinction" if they remain inward the Union.
Cornerstone Speech of Confederate Vice President, Alexander Stephens  This spoken language from the minute highest official inward the Confederacy pulls no punches nearly claiming whites are the "superior race."  
If you'd similar to a greater extent than nutrient for thought:
Separating Myth from Facts
5 Myths About the Confederate Flag
Separating Myth from Facts
Confederate Courage
Separating Myth from Facts
Slavery is a Black & White Issue

No affair what the Confederate flag agency to you lot Flags or People?