Monday, November 23, 2020

Bullets As Well As Bibles - Saving Lives

minute devotion virtually a soldier inward Republic of Iraq saved past times his steal Bible together with add together to this other inward Bullets together with Bibles - Saving Lives
Soldier saved from bullet past times his steal Bible...

Baghdad, 2007: PFC Brendan Schweigart was hitting past times a sniper. The bullet went into his side together with out his chest, where it was stopped past times a steal Bible he kept inward his bullet-proof vest. 

If the Bible had non been there, it’s probable that the bullet would accept ricocheted off the armor together with dorsum into his body, maybe killing him. 

This is non the start fourth dimension a steal Bible has been credited for saving the life of a soldier. 

I accept my father’s steal Bible from WWII, together with it genuinely has a metallic comprehend for that specific purpose.

But I accept a even virtually a Bible saving my life too:
I was a disillusioned, nominal Christian, who saw no role inward life beyond my ain happiness. 

Then, I began reading the Bible…and it led me to the Lord, who saved me from eternal death.

Hebrews 4:12:
"For the give-and-take of God is endure together with active. Sharper than whatever double-edged sword, it penetrates fifty-fifty to dividing mortal together with spirit, joints together with marrow; it judges the thoughts together with attitudes of the heart."

My even is every fleck every bit incredible every bit PFC Schweigart’s. What virtually you? Do you lot accept a even virtually the Bible saving your life?

Do the brusque Bible report on this devotion HERE.

minute devotion virtually a soldier inward Republic of Iraq saved past times his steal Bible together with add together to this other inward Bullets together with Bibles - Saving Lives